Paint war

659 14 1

Originally made: 7/22/15
Edited: 3/15/16

Hey if your reading this now GO READ Kmkieffer 's BOOK NOW. GO. READ. IT. It's called my flaming hero.


Thank god Chiron approved of this. But we have to do it in the clearing near the west side of camp. I was finally going to get my revenge. On the gang. I set the paint jars down and hurled some paint at Leo. You should have seen the look on his face. I laughed when he got paint in his mouth.
"What the heck Zoe?" Leo laughed. I chucked another glob of paint at him.
"PAINT WAR!!!!!" Then I felt paint hit the back of my head.
"MWHAHAHA!!" Katie was laughing evilly and Logan had paint on his head. Oh Logan,

Such a shameful decision to make.


In the distance, you heard,
"PAINT WAR!!!" It sounded like Zoe.
"Should we join them Percy?" He nodded and ran out the cabin without waiting for you. You sighed and followed him. It was full on war. Zoe, Leo, Katie, and Logan were covered in paint. Logan was laughing and he had a pink tint to his cheek, he seemed to be looking at Katie all the time. Aww!!! Your thoughts were cancelled out by a lot of paint on my face.
"Awwww crap! LEO I GOT HER!" Percy yelled. I saw Leo fist pump and ran from Zoe. 

     Soon enough, the whole gang was drenched in paint. Lily looked like a unicorn puked on her. Jason was the least covered in paint, due to his flying powers. Everyone was head to toe in paint.
"NO I CHALLENGE YOU!!!" Zoe yelled. You smirked and threw pink paint at the spot where Zoe's heart would be. She dramatically gasped and fell, twitching.
"Ah! Pink! My greatest weakness!!" Then she plopped her head onto the grass, pretending to be dead.
"I AM VICTORIOUS!!" You shout and put one foot on Zoe's 'dead' body and hold up some paint. The gang cheered for you and you heard Katie yell,
"In your face Zoe!" Then it was time for round 2.

Hey guys! :P

Me: hey Leo! How was that two day nap?

Leo: *nods* pretty good!

Me: ok my friends sister asks, who's Leo? Is he my friend?

Leo: I'm Leo, and yes! I am friends with  everybody!

That's all for today!

Thanks for reading!
~Zoe Di Angelo :)

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