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Keira's POV:

My body lies there. Soulless. How the fuck did I end up in a hospital bed? I have no clue. No one is here. It's just me and..well...me. Am I dead? I can hear beeping though, I suppose it's from that machine over there?

I walk over and stare at the machine. It has what seems to be my oxygen and heart rate. Well. Looks like I am alive. Yay? I guess?

Maybe I'll go for a little wander. It's not going to hurt anyone. I can't go anywhere. Sorry. Not the time.

The halls are empty, a few rooms are empty, but there are a few full. No one is here like me. But there is what seems to be a young girl sat on a bed at the end of the hall. She's not with a body, she's just sat there... alone. Maybe I should go to her.

"Hey, are you okay?" I say whilst walking towards her.

"Yes, I'm okay thank you." She replies softly, her voice very familiar.

"What are you doing here alone? You look a little young to be here by yourself..."

"I'm all good. I'm used to this." She replies.

"What do you mean... used to this?"

"You mean this?" She says pointing to our situation.

"Oh yeah..." I reply.

"I've been like this for a while, I'm trying to figure out how to get back." She smiles.

"Get back?" I ask.

"Yeah silly. Back to life. I've been here for ages."

"Oh. Yes, yes. What's your name by the way?" She sounds so familiar. I can't work out what it is.

"My name is Lucy." I stand back slightly.

"Sorry. Lucy?" I ask, slightly shocked.

"Yes Lucy. And you are Keira right?"

"How do you know that?" I ask slightly shaky.

"Don't worry about that." She says whilst chuckling. This is creeping me out.

No wonder I recognised her voice. It sounds like Lucy. This is some creepy shit. She's even called Lucy for god sake.

"Follow me?" She asks, getting down from the bed.


"Don't be scared, just follow me."

I don't reply, I just follow her. Maybe this is where I die... wait. Don't be stupid. She's a young girl. Pull yourself together.

We walk into a room. A little girl lying on the bed. Just like me. Soulless. A mom and dad sit by her, stroking her head.

"They think it's their fault." She softly says.

I look over to her, then to her parents who are crying.

"It's not their fault. I just couldn't take it anymore, you know? Girls can be mean."

"How old are you if you don't mind me asking." I ask.

"I'm 14. Young. I know. They just pushed me. These girls I mean. Pushed me and pushed me. So much till I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't breathe. Their words drowned me in thoughts that overpowered my small brain."

"I'm sorry Lucy."

"Don't be sorry. I was just a girl trying to be myself. Yet, it's not good enough for some people so I get targeted, so much that I couldn't take it anymore. I know it seems silly to do this at such a young age but.. it's just so much. I mean I'm not dead Keira, but i feel it. I really feel it. I can't feel anything, I'm just so numb. I thought what I did would end my pain. I thought it would. I really did. But it's just made it so much worse."

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