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Lucy's POV:

Breathe.. One. Two. Three. Breathe. Don't say anything you will regret, don't say anything that may come back to you. Stay calm. Stay focused. They are watching you, so don't mess up.

"Are you here for Keira Walsh?" The doctor questions.

"Yeah.. yes. We are." Leah says. I cant talk.

"I'm sorry. Her lung left lung collapsed and her Aorta erupted. I'm so sorry. We did everything we could." The doctor replies.

"What? What are you fucking saying that she's-" I say, now stood up from my seat with tears falling like waterfalls.

The doctor bows his head. "I'm so sorry." The doctor replies.

"No, no this cant be. Please say this is not real. I cant loose her. Please. Please. Please." I drop to the floor in a crying mess.

Then Leah walks over to me. Her and Georgia are not crying. Why the fuck are they not crying??


"Not now Leah. Please not now." I reply, still sobbing my eyes out.

"Lucy wake up." Leah says.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Leah bends down and begins to shake me.

"Lucy...Wake up!" Leah says now in a louder voice.


I blink and then I'm back. What? I'm back in the room with Leah and Georgia. Keira is still in the same place.

"Lucy. Why are you crying?" Leah asks.

"I-uh.." I cant form any words.

"You have been asleep for hours. You kept mumbling in your sleep 'please I cant loose her.. I love her' and then you started crying so I thought it would be best to wake you up."

"Really? I said that?"

"Yeah. I started to get worried, so I woke you up to make sure you were okay."

"Oh my god. It was just a dream."

Leah begins to stroke my head.

"Yeah it was a dream. You're okay." Leah says, and I smile lightly in return.

"Lucy?" Leah asks.

"Yes Leah?"

"You were talking about her, weren't you." Leah mentions whilst giving me a sympathetic look.

"Oh.. that ..uh ..no." I reply, avoiding eye contact.


"Okay fine. Maybe it was. But she doesn't need to know that, nor does anyone else."

"It's okay Lucy." She says whilst drawing me in for a hug.

It was just a dream...


As time goes by and people flow in and out, I start to feel slightly more sane. I have coffees to keep me going but yet the dream is still etched in the back of my mind.

It made me realise how hard my life would be without her. How would I go day by day knowing she wasn't with me? It would be impossible, I couldn't do it.

This is definitely going to take an affect on me. I know it. I just need her to wake up. God at least give me a sign. Please. I can't do this for much longer. My heart can't take this for much longer.

I sit by her side. The usual, stroking the head, holding her hand. Making sure she can feel my presence the whole time. I know she likes Laura, but I just hope she finds some sort of comfort with me being here.

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