Chapter 15 - The Calm Before the Storm

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Siya's POV

It's been a week since the wedding, and things have slowly started to settle into a rhythm. I've begun working at Rajawat Industries alongside Abhimanyu, and while it's been a whirlwind of meetings and new responsibilities, I've found a strange comfort in the routine. The palace is starting to feel like home, and the family has been incredibly welcoming.

Maa Sa and Baba Sa have been so supportive, often dropping by the office to check in or bring me lunch. The work environment is busy but friendly. Abhimanyu and I share a small office, and while we don't have much time to chat during the day, it's nice to have him close.

"Siya, you're doing great," Abhimanyu said this morning as we reviewed some documents. His approval meant a lot to me. "The project presentation is coming up next week, and you've been handling everything well."

"Thanks, Abhimanyu," I replied, my face lighting up. "I'm enjoying working here. It's been quite a change, but I'm getting the hang of it."

Later, as I walked through the palace grounds, I noticed how comfortable I was with the family. Dadi Sa and Dada Sa often shared stories of the past, making me feel like I was part of a grand tradition. Chacha Sa and Chachi Sa were always full of fun and warmth, and Chote Chacha Sa and Choti Chachi Sa added their charm to family gatherings. Bua Sa and Fufa Sa's stories and advice were always insightful, Shaurya, Aditi, and Ranveer are another story always teasing everyone, and Karan Bhaiya and Virat Bhaiya were great company, offering advice and making me laugh.

But something felt off. As much as everything seemed perfect, there was an underlying tension that I couldn't quite place. I was overthinking everything, trying to analyze if I was missing something.

Abhimanyu's POV

The past week has been surprisingly smooth. Siya has been adjusting well to the office, and her enthusiasm has been a positive force. We've settled into a routine that works, and it's been good to have her by my side, both at work and at home.

I was sitting in my office, reviewing some reports, when I heard a knock on the door. It was Maa Sa, bringing in some freshly baked pastries.

"Good morning, Abhimanyu," she said with a warm smile. "I thought you might enjoy these."

"Thank you, Maa Sa," I said, taking the pastries from her. "You're always thinking of us."

"Siya's been working hard," she continued, her eyes sparkling. "I wanted to make sure you both had a little something to enjoy."

"I appreciate it," I replied. "She's been doing well. I'm proud of her."

Maa Sa's face softened. "I know you are. It's been a big adjustment for her, and she's handling it beautifully."

As we chatted, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was brewing. The palace had been unusually quiet lately, and while everything seemed normal on the surface, there was an undercurrent of tension. I tried to ignore it, focusing on work and spending time with Siya, but the unease was growing.

Siya's POV

Later that week, things seemed to be falling into place. I had become more comfortable in my role at Rajawat Industries, and the family interactions felt natural. We had regular dinners and casual conversations that made me feel truly integrated into this new life.

One evening, while preparing dinner with Chachi Sa and Choti Chachi Sa, I felt a strange sense of foreboding. The kitchen was bustling with activity as we prepared for a family gathering. Chachi Sa and Choti Chachi Sa chatted animatedly, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

"Siya beta, you're doing great with the preparations," Chachi Sa said, handing me a bowl of fresh salad. "You're becoming quite the expert."

"Thank you, Chachi Sa," I replied, trying to mask my anxiety. "I'm enjoying this."

As I worked, I overheard snippets of conversations from the other room. Dada Sa and Baba Sa were discussing something in hushed tones, and their expressions were serious. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but it made me more anxious.

Abhimanyu's POV

That evening, as I joined the family for dinner, I noticed that everyone seemed to be in high spirits, but there was an underlying tension that I couldn't quite put my finger on. The conversations were lively, and there was laughter, but something felt off.

Siya looked radiant as she moved around the table, serving everyone with a smile. She seemed to sense the tension too but was trying her best to stay positive. I admired her strength, even if I could see the worry in her eyes.

After dinner, I found myself in a private conversation with Dada Sa and Baba Sa. They were discussing some sensitive issues related to the business and the palace.

"We need to be cautious," Dada Sa said in a low voice. "There are rumors of some trouble brewing. We must be prepared."

Baba Sa nodded in agreement. "Yes, we have to ensure that we're ready for anything. We can't let our guard down."

I felt a knot forming in my stomach. The family had always been protective of each other, but this was different. The sense of unease was growing stronger, and I couldn't help but worry about what might be coming our way.

Siya's POV

That night, as I lay in bed, I couldn't sleep. My mind was racing with thoughts of what might be troubling the family. I tried to focus on the positives—the warmth of my new home, the support from Abhimanyu and the family—but the feeling of something being amiss was too strong.

I reached over and touched Abhimanyu's arm, trying to comfort myself. "Abhimanyu, are you awake?"

He stirred and turned to me, his face showing concern. "What's wrong, Siya?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "I just have this strange feeling that something bad is going to happen. I overheard Dada Sa and Baba Sa talking, and they seemed worried."

Abhimanyu sighed and pulled me close. "I've noticed it too. There's been a lot of talk about potential issues, but I'm not sure what's going on yet. Let's just stay alert and support each other."

I nodded, feeling comforted by his presence. "You're right. We'll face it together."

As we held each other close, I tried to calm my racing thoughts. The first week in the royal palace had been a whirlwind of emotions and adjustments, but now it seemed like we were on the brink of something significant. I didn't know what was coming, but I hoped that with Abhimanyu and the family by my side, we could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Thepalace was starting to feel like home, and I was determined to protect thisnewfound happiness. Whatever the future held, I knew that we would face ittogether.



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