Chapter 16 - The Storm Hits

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Siya's POV

The sense of impending doom that had been hanging over us finally materialized. The palace, once filled with warmth and laughter, now seemed overshadowed by a dark cloud. It was as if the walls themselves were whispering secrets I couldn't quite hear.

The trouble started when an urgent meeting was called in the middle of the night. Abhimanyu was summoned along with Baba Sa and Dada Sa. I lay awake in bed, staring at the ceiling, my mind racing with worst-case scenarios. What could be so urgent?

When Abhimanyu returned hours later, his face was a mask of tension. I sat up, my heart pounding. "Abhimanyu, what happened?"

He ran a hand through his hair, a gesture I'd come to recognize as a sign of deep frustration. "Siya, it's bad. Very bad. There's been a major financial crisis at Rajawat Industries. Someone has been embezzling funds, and it's left us in a dire situation."

My stomach dropped. "Oh no... What can we do?"

He shook his head, his eyes cold and distant. "We're still figuring it out. But the worst part is that we have no idea who we can trust. It could be someone within the family."

The idea of betrayal within the family was a hard pill to swallow. "We'll get through this, Abhimanyu. Together."

He didn't respond, just turned away, lost in his thoughts. I reached out to touch his arm, but he flinched as if my touch burned him. The distance between us, both physical and emotional, felt insurmountable.

Abhimanyu's POV

The weight of the crisis bore down on me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't believe this was happening. The company my family had built with blood, sweat, and tears was on the verge of collapse, and the betrayal came from within. The trust had become a luxury we couldn't afford.

Siya's optimism, usually a beacon of hope, now felt like an irritant. How could she possibly understand the magnitude of this disaster? As much as I wanted to let her in, the walls I'd built around my heart after my past trauma started to rise again.

In the days that followed, the atmosphere in the palace grew colder. Family members walked on eggshells around each other, suspicion lurking in every corner. I threw myself into damage control, trying to salvage what I could of the company. Siya tried to be supportive, but I could see the strain in her eyes.

One evening, after another exhausting day of meetings and investigations, Siya approached me. "Abhimanyu, let's talk. We need to stay connected through this."

I sighed, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. "Siya, I don't have time for this. There are more pressing issues at hand."

Her face fell, but she persisted. "Ignoring each other won't solve anything. We're a team, remember?"

I snapped, my frustration boiling over. "This isn't a team effort, Siya! This is my responsibility. My family's legacy is on the line, and I can't afford to be distracted by... by this!"

Siya's POV

His words stung more than I'd expected. It was like a slap in the face. I'd been trying so hard to be there for him, to support him, and he just brushed me aside.

"Fine, Abhimanyu," I said, my voice trembling. "Handle it your way. But don't push me away. I'm your wife, and I'm here to support you, whether you want it or not."

He didn't respond, just turned back to his work, and I left the room, feeling more alone than ever.

Days turned into weeks, and the coldness between us grew. Abhimanyu had retreated into himself completely, and I was left to navigate the complex dynamics of the family on my own. Everyone was tense, and the once warm, welcoming palace now felt like a battlefield.

One evening, as I sat with Dadi Sa, she took my hand gently. "Beta, I know things are difficult right now. Abhimanyu is under immense pressure, but he loves you. Don't lose hope."

I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes. "I just don't know how to reach him anymore. He's shut me out completely."

She sighed, her eyes filled with wisdom and sorrow. "Give him time. He's always been like this—cold and distant when he's hurt or scared. But he needs you, even if he doesn't realize it."

Abhimanyu's POV

Each day felt like a struggle, and I found myself sinking deeper into my old ways. The cold, detached persona I'd developed after my past trauma was back in full force. It was easier to shut everyone out than to deal with the pain and betrayal.

But even as I tried to focus solely on the crisis at hand, I couldn't ignore the emptiness I felt without Siya's warmth. I missed her, but admitting that felt like admitting weakness.

One night, after another long day of fruitless meetings, I found myself wandering the palace grounds. The memories of happier times with Siya haunted me, and I felt a pang of regret. I had pushed her away when I needed her the most.

As I walked, I saw her sitting alone in the garden, staring at the stars. She looked so beautiful and so sad. My heart ached to go to her, but I didn't know how to bridge the gap I had created.

Siya's POV

I felt his presence before I saw him. Abhimanyu stood at the edge of the garden, watching me. I could see the conflict in his eyes, the struggle between wanting to come to me and keeping his distance.

"Abhimanyu," I called softly, hoping to reach him. "Come sit with me."

He hesitated but eventually walked over and sat down beside me. We sat in silence for a few moments, the night air cool and refreshing.

"I'm sorry," he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've been a terrible husband."

I took his hand, squeezing it gently. "I know you're under a lot of pressure. But we're in this together. You don't have to face it alone."

He looked at me, his eyes filled with a mixture of pain and gratitude. "I'm just scared, Siya. I don't want to lose everything."

"You won't," I said firmly. "We'll get through this, one step at a time. But we have to face it together."

As we sat there, holding hands under the stars, I felt a glimmer of hope. The storm had hit hard, but we were still standing. And together, I believed we could weather any storm.



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