Chapter 19 - Shadows of the Past

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Abhimanyu's POV

The past five years have been a blur, a relentless march of days and nights filled with work. I have immersed myself in Rajawat Industries, pushing the company to new heights. I am now the Maharaja of Rajasthan and recognized as Asia's No.1 businessman, a title that should bring pride but instead feels hollow.

My family barely sees me. I know they worry, especially Dada Sa and Maa Sa. They've seen the changes in me, the coldness that has settled in my heart. But I can't help it. Losing Siya broke something inside me, something that I can't seem to fix.

I sit in my office, the view of the cityscape spread out before me. It's a beautiful sight, but it brings no comfort. My phone buzzes, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Abhimanyu, we have a meeting with the Japanese investors in an hour," my assistant reminds me.

"Fine," I reply, my voice flat. "I'll be there."

As I prepare for the meeting, I can't help but think of Siya. Is she happy? Has she moved on? The questions plague me, but I push them aside. There's no room for weakness in my life now.

Siya's POV

Five years. It feels like a lifetime ago. My family and I shifted to America, hoping for a fresh start. I've built a new life here, becoming America's No.1 businesswoman. On the surface, everything looks perfect, but inside, I am still haunted by the past.

I stand in my office, looking at a photo of my family. My father and mother were always supportive. My brother Rana, now managing the family business. And my two precious children—my 8-year-old nephew, Tej, and my 4-year-old daughter, Anika.

Anika calls me "Mom," and she's the light of my life. But her presence is a reminder of the mysteries and pain that still linger. What happened to Ajit Bhaiya and Tanya Bhabhi remains a mystery. They disappeared without a trace, leaving behind Tej and Anika. I've raised them as my own, trying to give them the love and stability they deserve.

"Mommy, look!" Anika runs into my office, holding a drawing. "I made this for you."

I kneel, taking the drawing from her tiny hands. "It's beautiful, Anika. Thank you."

She smiles, her eyes twinkling with joy. In moments like these, I find a semblance of peace. But it's fleeting. The shadows of the past are never far behind.

Abhimanyu's POV

The meeting goes well, but I feel no satisfaction. As I walk back to my office, my thoughts drift back to Siya. I wonder where she is, what she's doing. I heard she moved to America, but I have no details. It's as if she vanished from my life completely.

"Abhimanyu, you have a visitor," my assistant says as I enter my office.

"Who is it?" I ask, not in the mood for surprises.

"It's Karan Shekhawat," she replies.

Karan walks in, his expression serious. "Abhimanyu, we need to talk."

I gesture for him to sit. "What's going on?"

"It's about Siya," he says, and my heart skips a beat. "I've found out some things."

"Tell me," I demand, my voice colder than I intended.

"She's in America, running a successful business. But it's not just that. She's raising two kids—Tej and a girl named Anika."

I frown, confusion mingling with curiosity. "Anika?"

"Yes," Karan Bhaiya continues. "She calls Siya 'Mom.' There's more to this story, and I think you need to know."

Siya's POV

The days pass in a blur of work and family. Anika and Tej keep me busy, and I pour my heart into my company. But the weight of the past still lingers.

One evening, as I put Anika to bed, she looked up at me with her big, innocent eyes. "Mommy, why don't I have a daddy?"

Her question catches me off guard, and I struggle to find the right words. "Anika, sometimes families are different. But you have me, and Dada, and Nani, and everyone who loves you very much."

She nods, satisfied with my answer for now. But I know the questions will only get harder as she grows older.

After she falls asleep, I sit by the window, staring at the city lights. My thoughts drift back to Abhimanyu. Does he ever think of me? Does he regret the choices we made? The pain is still fresh, even after all these years.

Abhimanyu's POV

Karan Bhaiya's revelation about Anika weighs heavily on my mind. Why didn't Siya tell me about her? There are so many questions, and I need answers.

I decide to confront Siya. It's time to face the past and the unresolved feelings that still haunt me. I book a flight to America, determined to find out the truth.

As the plane takes off, I stare out the window, my heart a mix of anxiety and determination. Siya deserves to know everything, and I need to know the truth about Anika. It's time to end the silence and face the storm that's been brewing for five long years.

Siya's POV

Life in America has its rhythm, but the shadows of the past still linger. One evening, as I was finishing up work, I received a call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answer, curiosity piqued.

"Siya, it's Karan Bhaiya."

My heart skips a beat. "Karan Bhaiya? Is everything okay?"

"There's something you need to know," he says, his voice serious. "Abhimanyu is coming to America. He wants to talk to you."

Panic and hope collide in my chest. After all these years, what could he possibly want? "Why now?"

"He needs answers, Siya. And so do you."

As I hang up the phone, my mind races. Abhimanyu is coming. The storm we've been avoiding is about to hit, and there's no turning back.

The next few days are a blur. I prepare myself for the confrontation, knowing that it won't be easy. But it's necessary. The past five years have been a testament to our strength, but also a reminder of our vulnerabilities.

WhenAbhimanyu finally arrives, our eyes meet, and the air between us is chargedwith unspoken words. It's time to face the truth, no matter how painful itmight be. The storm is here, and we must weather it together.



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