My missing piece

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We go inside the room Anne closes the door I sit on the bed the smell of my mate's scent hypnotises me for a moment I get lost inhaling the sweet and creamy fragrance. Anne seats on an armchair that's across me I can feel her eyes on me waiting for me to open my mouth without wasting anymore time I decided to tell her.

"Anne, I found my mate." she raised her eyebrows, her eyes widened at the declaration.

A huge grin spread across her face she begins to walk in my direction but stops abruptly and begins to think her broad eyes narrowed "Is this the reason you peeked in my room?" I shook my head and began telling her.

"I smelled her scent in your room and that's when I found out that she was my mate, but her scent is slightly mixed." I know that it belongs to my mate, but I haven't met her I explain to her.

"Lara visited me along with her friend Veronika but-" I cut her off and say I'm one hundred percent sure it's her.

Our discussion is interrupted when I hear two voices fighting outside the room, I open the door and see a dark-haired man punching the Alpha's son his nose was bruised, and it begin to bleed he lost his balance and fell flat on the ground making a thud sound.

"Next time if I see you around my sister, you will be dead, and I guarantee you that." he spits venom and turns to leave.

I see the Alpha's son get back on his feet he was furious he had steam coming out of his ears he glared at his attackers back he ran to charge at him clenching his fist. I went and stood between them he stretches out his fist I bring up my hands and block his punch "Move!" he barks at me I didn't flinch from my position he grits his teeth and throws another punch, but he fails. My wolf begins to surface Pierce was exasperated that he disrespected us he was asking me for control I denied his request. We kept throwing punches and kicks at each other I pin him to the ground his struggles in my grasp I growl at him he refuses to submit.

After minutes of acting stubborn he submits I let him go he give me a death stare before going away I shrugged it off the dark-haired man approaches me "someone needed to put that brat in his place." He gets closer to me and extends his arm for a handshake "I'm Luca, it's Nice to meet you Alpha-" I was about to tell him my name I heard a familiar voice shout and comes rushing near me.

"Dorin, are you alright o my goddess you don't look let's take you to the infirmary." Anne panics and grasp my hand.

"Anne, chillax I'm going to be fine, and my bruises have already begun to heal." I show her my hand most of the injuries had faded at that moment we hear a growl.

"Mine." the man standing in front of us says my beta freezes when her eyes shift to the man, she repeats the same thing but instead of embracing him she punches him in his gut.

"Ouch! why did you punch me you're supposed to show me affection not hit me." that's for keeping me waiting for all these years the man had a puzzled expression on his face, but I knew what Anne was referring to and chuckled.

Anne tells him her name. I and Egon have always treated her like a little sister she gets on our nerves at times, but we still love her. Egon is going to be thrilled I can't wait to share the news with him he has been praying for us to find our mates. The pack it's going to rejoice when they hear that we found our mates.

"Can y'all join us for dinner today? I would like to introduce Anne to my family." Luca ask gazing at her with his eyes full of love.

"Why do you want me to come?" she may be nervous because it's her first time meeting my family and having someone that she knows will put her at ease besides mom would be content to see you.

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