Dinner date

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I look out of the window the midnight blue sky was covered with tiny glistening white dots the moon shines back on the lake. I feel something cold drip on my forehead I touch it with my fingertips. "Water?" I said to myself and stare at the transparent liquid on my fingers. I lift my gaze when I feel my mate's presence behind me Dorin is gazing at the sky his hair was soaked, water trickles form his blonde hair strands and falls on his face.

"It's a beautiful view," Dorin mummers. He seemed a lot better than before. We had to skip dinner because he wouldn't refrain blaming himself. I had informed Luca that we won't be coming for the dinner.

"Thank you, Lara, for encouraging me to open up I feel so relaxed." he pulled me close to him my back pressed against his bare chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder.

"My pleasure, next time when something is bothering you, please tell me I don't like to see you suffer," he nods his head and gives me a reassuring smile I returned the smile.

I hear a loud growling sound it didn't come from me, but I must admit I'm starving. I gaze at Dorin he gives me a sheepish smile.

"We should eat before my stomach complains again," Dorin says to me he unwinds his arms.

My eyes widened in shock when I see Dorin standing with a towel wrapped around his waist. I immediately turn my face away my cheeks begin to heat up. Dorin chuckles at my reaction and he goes near the closet. I keep fidgeting with my fingers while he gets dressed.

When we come in the kitchen Dorin asks me If I would like to eat pasta for dinner I at once said yes. He pours water in a pot and places it on the stove I begin slicing the fresh cherry tomatoes.

"You like to cook?" I ask casually.

"Yes, at first, I just liked to watch people prepare the mouth – watering dishes. One day I decided to give it a try and ended up loving it. Now it's one of my hobbies," he puts the pasta in the salty boiling water.

"What are your hobbies?" he begins to stir the tomatoes in olive oil and adds the required spices.

"I like crochet and drawing," a smile crept on my lips reminiscing when dad and I used to draw together he was very good at it.

Several minutes later......

He puts graded cheese on top of the pasta, and he tosses it. Our creamy pasta was ready. It's look appetizing I grab two forks and plates for us. When I turn around, I see Dorin lighting up candles.

"What are you doing?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"I thought we could turn this into a small date," He rubs his neck. I was touched he thought to make this moment special for us but at the same time I was too stunned to speak.

"Woman don't tell me you're going to stand there like a statue. Say something his waiting for your reaction," Nevena utters. She is right, I appreciate what his done, but this is new for me she needs to understand.

"It's okay, if you don't-" I cut him off it's perfect I love it. He smiles and pulls out the chair for me, I thank him.

We picked up our forks and dig into the pasta it was yummy. Dorin opens the wine bottle he pours the yellowish liquid in the glasses. He hands me a glass; we clink our glasses I take a sip of the sweet acidic fruity alcohol.

I was relishing my meal. I caught Dorin staring at me my eyes shift to his untouched plate "Why are you not eating?"

"Lara, are you disappointed that I'm your mate now that you know about my past?" I was taken aback by the question. He will never be a disappointment to me. He was in excruciating pain when he was talked to me about his past, he relived all tortures again because he didn't want to keep me in the dark.

"No, it was not your fault you were being controlled by your mother stop blaming yourself for something that you didn't intend to do." I give him a reassuring smile and we continue to eat the pasta.

"You didn't tell me who helped you to lift the curse," I asked him. A smile formed on his lips "my aunt her name is Callie, she's a hybrid of werewolf and witch."

"I have heard a lot about them but never been lucky enough to meet in person." Right now, she is doing a world tour along with her mate. When she comes back from her trip, we can go to visit her.

"I'm excited to meet her." I can guarantee that both of you are going to be inseparable he chuckles.

After consuming the delicious pasta, we tidy up the kitchen. We were leaving to go in our room I stopped Dorin by holding his arm he looks at me with a puzzled expression on his face. "Thank you for the amazing date," I pecked him on his cheek. He gazed lovingly at me we stood in the kitchen lost in each other eyes. I notice Dorin's brown eyes looking at my lips he begins to lean closer to my face. My heart rate spikes up but surprisingly I felt at ease. I tilt my head slightly his soft lips brushed against mine. I close my eyes ready to experience my first ever kiss.

"It's finally happening their going to kiss!" Pierce howls with joy.

"I have always dreamed of this day ever since I was a pup," Nevena utters dreamily.

"Woah! What happening here?" we immediately pull away when we hear Luca's booming voice "There is no need to get worked up Luca he is her mate," Anne said rolling her eyes.

"She is my baby sister." No matter how much older I get he will always treat me like a little girl.

"Luca, she is not a baby anymore in fact she going to have her own pups and because she a Luna, I can ensure you that she will share the good news with you soon that you're going to be an uncle." I blushed at the mention of my pups.

"No, he whines. Anne glares at him "I-I w-want to become an uncle someday but before that I want to spend some more time with her before she has a tiny pup in her arms.

"You spent twenty-one years with her now let her spend the remaining years with her mate," Anne grabs two water bottles and begins dragging Luca out of the Kitchen.

"You marked my sister!" Luca eyes fell on my exposed neck.

"That's what mates do idiot, now come with me before I smack your head," I shake my head hearing my brother and his mate argue.


Doctor Elena looks at the clear blue sky lost in thought a solitary tear rolled down her cheek. She misses her special person her wolf whimpers and pleads with her to return to the person who was destined for them. Elena refuses she tells her wolf that her wounds are still fresh. Valentino sees her sobbing and approaches her he tells her to stop ruining her future because of what happened in the past.

"I know my brother has been a jerk to you. He regrets the way he treated you he wants to make amends please give him a chance." Elena debates her heart tells her that she should go back to her mate, but her minds keeping giving her flashback of the bitter memories.

"The damage is done Tino, I tried my best to make it work he didn't reciprocate. We were never meant to be together." She felt like someone was pulling apart her heart while she uttered the words.

"It hurts to see both of you in so much pain. Elena, I never stopped you when you decided to leave because I knew that you had made the right decision. I get it that it is not easy to live with the person under the same roof who made you feel unwanted. You need each other to survive his ready to do anything for you," Valentino tells her that everyone misses her and is waiting for her to come back.

"When father found out that you both spilt – up because my brother didn't treat you properly, he blamed himself. Growing up father was always harsh towards him he trained him to be a strong Alpha, he never showed him any affection and that's the reason my brother turned out to be heartless," His brother begged him to talk with Elena because he knew she wouldn't be interested to talk with him.

He tells her not to worry about Sophie, he will protect her and not let any harm come to her. Elena gives it a thought and agrees to go back to her mate. She had noticed that Valentino and Sophie had been spending a lot of time together she thought maybe they were catching feeling for each other. She knew Valentino can never hurt her cousin because he was complete opposite from his brother. He was kind-hearted unlike his brother who is a hard – head. She couldn't believe when Valentino told her that his brother was ready to change for her. 

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