Chapter 14: The Boy without a Destiny

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 As Kashawn sat in the room alone, he sighed and waited for Dumbledore to get him. As he waited, a certain someone's voice filled his mind. "Excellent job..." The voice said as the massive, familiar figure appeared in front of him. "Death..." Kashawn whispered. "Hm... you've grown..." Death said, and Kashawn glared at him. "It's been twelve years!" Kashawn said angrily. "Yet, you're the same height as your previously twenty-one-year-old self." Death pointed out and Kashawn looked at him strangely. "Huh?" Kashawn said as Death pointed at him. "It seems this body has... won the genetic lottery, more-so than your old body." Death said, giving Kashawn a blank look.

"Okay, why're you here?" Kashawn asked and Death leaned in close to him. "Because Year one is completed... and year two is now on the horizon." Death began, but he grabbed Kashawn by the shoulders. "And I know you..." Death's voice was chilling as Kashawn's spine grew cold. "Leave the girl to suffer..." Death said, and Kashawn immediately knew who he was talking about. "You mustn't let those pesky feelings get in the way, so do yourself a favor and control yourself." Death warned.

"Why should I?" Kashawn asked challengingly. Death gave a chuckle and stood up straight, looking down at him. "Because you getting hurt... will put the mission in danger... after all, your track record with getting a significant other isn't the best." Death teased, causing Kashawn's fists to clench. "Exactly... Like I said... the timeline is set... no need to change things... just monitor and assist." Death said but Kashawn looked at him. "No, the timeline is set in the original timeline... but not this one... you don't know my future..." Kashawn said, and Death crossed his arms.

"Perhaps I don't... but what I do know is that letting yourself catch feelings... isn't going to end well. "As Dumbledore says... It does not do well to dwell on dreams... and forget to live..." Death said, throwing the headmaster's words in his face. "And the life you must live... is already decided for you." Death murmured as he vanished. Kashawn felt tears forming in his eyes as he flipped over the table with the potions. A pained roar escaped his lips as Kashawn's anger overwhelmed him. Pulling out his wand, Kashawn shot a bunch of basic casts, everywhere. Not doing any damage but leaving burn marks all over the walls.

"FUCK YOU! DEATH!" Kashawn roared as he shot another cast at the wall. Hating the fact that he lost everything. As Kashawn snarled at the ground, still angry... he heard a certain headmaster clearing his throat. "Kashawn Whitney?" Dumbledore asked and Kashawn just pointed to the black flames where Harry and Quirrell were. Kashawn then walked past Dumbledore and left the trapdoor safely as Dumbledore hurried to Harry.




Kashawn safely made it back to his Common Room and laid in his bed. The next morning, Harry and Ron were safely in the hospital wing and Hermione was waiting for them to wake. Kashawn, however, was hidden away in his dorm room. Though many people eagerly asked him about the trapdoor, he said nothing and kept things to himself. Only for Flitwick to arrive in the dorm room. "Mr. Whitney? Dumbledore would like to see you in his office..." Flitwick said, and Kashawn nodded.

Being led to the office, Kashawn walked inside and was greeted by the man. Albus Dumbledore, in all his glory. The colorful robes of the man and long silvery gray hair were accompanied by a warm smile and kind blue eyes behind half-moon spectacles. "Ah, Kashawn... I was expecting you." He said warmly. He sat down at his desk and Kashawn slowly walked up and his eyes met the absolutely breathtaking sight of Fawkes the Phoenix, perched next to the desk. Kashawn was in love with the thought of having a phoenix, but his attention was taken by Dumbledore who leaned forward in his chair and gestured for Kashawn to sit down.

Kashawn sat down and he braced for whatever Dumbledore had to say. "Kashawn..." Dumbledore began. "I've been wanting to talk with you for a while." He continued. "You've been absolutely outstanding with your studious actions and your wonderful actions." Dumbledore complimented, but Kashawn knew he wasn't here to be praised. "Let me guess... this is about my... outburst... I'd rather not speak on it." Kashawn said softly, not wanting anyone to know his business. "Oh... I figured that much... nobody would wish to revisit their downed trodden moments." Dumbledore said in a calm and soothing way.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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