A Warm Welcome

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The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon as Sailub and Pon pulled into the driveway of their home. The vacation had been a much-needed escape, allowing them to solidify their bond and enjoy time together without the usual pressures of daily life. But now, as they returned to reality, both were eager to see Aon, their little light.

Sailub parked the car, and they both quickly exited, already missing the relaxing beach but excited to be home. As they approached the front door, they could hear Aon's joyful giggles echoing through the house, a sound that made their hearts swell with warmth.

But something else caught their attention—the unfamiliar murmur of voices mingling with Aon's laughter. Sailub and Pon exchanged a curious glance, their pace quickening as they stepped inside.

In the living room, they found Aon seated on the plush carpet, surrounded by an elderly couple dressed in impeccable, classy clothing. The man wore a tailored suit, his hair a distinguished silver, and his posture exuded an air of authority. The woman, equally refined, was dressed in an elegant dress that spoke of understated luxury. Both radiated a quiet confidence, the kind that comes from years of experience and wisdom.

The moment Aon saw his parents, his face lit up even brighter, and he immediately reached out his tiny arms, calling out, "Papa! Dada!"

The elderly couple turned to look at Sailub and Pon, their expressions warm yet filled with curiosity. Sailub froze, his eyes widening in surprise. The old couple wasn't just any visitors—they were his parents.

"Mother? Father?" Sailub's voice was laced with shock as he took in their presence. His parents had always been supportive but somewhat distant due to their busy lives. Seeing them here, in his home, was both a surprise and a cause for concern.

Pon, meanwhile, felt a sudden wave of anxiety wash over him. He had heard a lot about Sailub's parents. They were respected figures in society, people of influence and status. The last thing he wanted was for them to disapprove of him, or worse, of Aon. After all, Aon wasn't Sailub's biological child, and Pon feared how they might react to that fact.

The older woman, Sailub's mother, was the first to speak, her voice soft and gentle, yet commanding attention. "Sailub, darling, you didn't tell us you'd found such a precious gem." She smiled warmly at Pon, her eyes sparkling with kindness. "And this little one," she continued, gesturing to Aon, "he's simply adorable."

Pon's heart raced as he instinctively held Aon closer, uncertainty gnawing at him. He knew how much Sailub loved his parents, but what if they didn't approve of him and Aon? What if they thought less of Sailub for choosing to be with someone like him?

Sailub's father, noticing the tension in the room, stepped forward and placed a reassuring hand on his son's shoulder. "We've heard a lot about you, Pon," he said, his tone sincere. "But nothing could have prepared us for how wonderful it is to finally meet you in person."

Pon opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. He felt a lump in his throat, his emotions a tangled mess of relief, fear, and hope. Sailub's parents seemed kind, but were they truly okay with him and Aon being part of Sailub's life?

As if sensing his unease, Sailub's mother gently took Pon's free hand in hers, giving it a comforting squeeze. "You're doing a wonderful job raising Aon," she said softly. "And we're so happy that Sailub has found someone who makes him so happy. We've always wanted the best for our son, and it's clear that the best is standing right here before us."

Tears welled up in Pon's eyes as the weight of his fears began to lift. Sailub's parents were not just accepting—they were welcoming him and Aon with open arms. They didn't see Aon as an obstacle or a burden; they saw him as part of the family, just as Sailub did.

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