Chapter 13

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"Another date?" I gape into the phone, though it really shouldn't come as a surprise by now. "Yeah, I mean if you're busy I'll be a little late but I'm sure mum can come by." Michael answers slightly breathless.

I can hear him shuffling around along with Stella's little babbles in the background. Listening quietly I hear him as he stubs his toe on something with a yelp and shout of fudge.

I smile to myself just picturing the scene. It was probably that table by the couch that I've already suggested he move since it seems to get in everyones way.

For a second it makes me miss staying in with him and Stella on weekends. Miss laying on the couch with Stella in my lap and us laughing at Michael when he bumps into the very same table.

It makes me miss the nights where we'd fuss over a movie but he'd inevitably end up letting me choose - and loving the movie. It makes me miss the nights we'd stay up way past Stella's bedtime just talking.

The nights where I'd fall asleep before Stella and woke up the next day with a blanket tossed over me and both Cliffords still by my side.

We haven't had one those nights in a while. Not since Michael dating has become a thing. It almost gives me half a mind to say no. Tell him that I'm busy. Or have a date of my own.

"I just figured it'd be easier since she'd have to come get you for Stel's bedtime anyway." He adds when I don't respond.

Of course I can't say no. But not for Michael, not for myself, for Stella. Because she's merely just an innocent bystander in all this. After all, it wasn't her fault I caught feelings for her dad. Though, arguably it sort of was.

"No yeah, it's fine, I'll be over in 10." I reply with a yawn. "Okay thanks Char, you're the best." And with that he's off the phone. "Thanks Char, you're the best." I mimic, tossing the phone on the couch with a sigh.

Packing the essentials, I grab Sarah and head next door.

"Good you're here. Feed her will you? She's being difficult, I think she knows I'm leaving." Michael answers the door in a rush, immediately handing Stella over. "What? My little kitten being difficult? Nonsense. I don't believe it." I gasp exaggeratedly.

Setting Sarah and my bag down, I walk Stella over to her high chair. "Don't encourage it, it isn't cute." Michael mutters, walking away. "Of course it is, everything she does is cute." I call back but I'm not sure he hears.

"So you're being difficult because daddy's leaving huh?" I plop down into a dining chair and pop Stella's baby food open. "I feel you kid." I mumble, mixing it a bit with her spoon.

"Does this shirt look alright?" Michael comes back in doing up the buttons to a crisply ironed shirt. It knocks the wind out of me, the surprise of it.

It's the most skin I've seen since our drunken mistake. I quickly look away, blinking a few times and clearing my throat. "Looks fine." "You didn't even look," he frowns. "Of course I did, you look fine." I shrug.

"Why are you so worked up anyway? New girl?" I ask casually, trying to keep my miserableness at bay. "No, same girl. I just...I don't know, I like her." He gives a sheepish smile. It physically pains me to keep from rolling my eyes.

"Does she know about Stella?" I glance at him. He shrugs. "Michael," my eyebrows pulling together. "Does she even want kids?" He lets out a huff of breath, pulling on his shoes. "I don't know okay, why does it matter anyway? You were the one who said it's not like I'm going to marry the girl."

"That was when this was a first date and you were nervous. You clearly like this girl and I just don't think it's fair for Stella." I scold, getting worked up about it. "We're just having fun Charlie. It's nothing serious," he rolls his eyes.

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