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VEXTARI began messaging ALUKARI at 00:34.

VEXTARI: Where are you?

ALUKARI: I am at central park waiting for a train, beneath the bitter wind where there is no fear.
VEXTARI: Turn around right this moment and go back to the Wayward Star.



VEXTARI: Dan is coming to get you. He will most likely arrive less than ten minutes from now.

VEXTARI: Stay there until it's safe. Then, I want you to take Kota somewhere far, far away from anyone who's out to get him.

VEXTARI: I think you know the place that I'm thinking about.

ALUKARI: Wont um saving him be futile if we do that? Well be giving in to despair...

VEXTARI: That's an order, slut. I'm making a call, you will hide him away from our enemies and you will not take him to any human hospitals. Do you understand?

ALUKARI: Yes Vexxie <3

VEXTARI: Good girl.

VEXTARI: You're still in trouble, though.


"There's got to be something we can do! This is Dan fucking Exodus, the reason why I joined you guys!", Rain called out, lifting his head a little while sprawled out over the floor and holding a languescent Halley tight with one front leg.

50 stared at him with a studied "No."

Rain momentarily gave a confused and hurt scowl, then rolled his eyes before relaxing again.

"Look at it this way.", 50 said, starting to tap the claws of his left front paw on the doorframe. "We have nobody capable who is in good enough condition to fight, apart from maybe yourself. You'd be alone against him if you go out there. As long as we stay inside, we are safe."

Rain broke eye contact and lowered his head, pressing his soft muzzle into Halley's warm neck fluff. "I guess you're right, yeah, whatever."

"Yes. Stay here and don't cause trouble.", 50 ordered. Then, he smiled, hot blue party lights glinting off his sunglasses for just a moment. "That puppy clearly likes the attention a lot. You wouldn't want to abandon him, would you? This is just one part of something greater in scope."

Halley gave a happy little rawr and grabbed onto Rain hard.

50 gave a muted smile. "If you must do this alone and as soon as possible, then, talk to me next week and I'll give you your best chance. Tonight, however, remain the fuck here."


Kaleva woke up sitting at his usual spot at the far end of the old wooden table, nearest the door. His entire body itched. Erkka sat opposite him with an invincible smile and equally unstoppable chad shoulders, adorned in his full ballet gear, looking directly through Kaleva and also through the door behind him, far down the frozen street beyond. On either side of him, Ensio and Hilja were having an emotionless staring contest, every muscle tense and unmoving. To Kaleva's left sat Rain for whatever reason, but he paid no mind to Kaleva and simply existed as if he were supposed to be there.

"What's your problem, mopey-head?", Liisi scowled from the remaining seat.

"What? This never happened! Why am I back here?", Kaleva demanded. He turned to the wall behind Liisi where most of the family photos hung. They all showed the perfect generic four-person nuclear family frozen in plastic joy. His parents and two eldest siblings were there, but he couldn't see himself in any of the photos.

FUNCTION DISORDER :: VOLUME ONEWhere stories live. Discover now