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Kota's glittering silver eyes gradually fluttered open. He groaned and slumped onto his side.

The noise alerted a fuzzy green shape. It perked up and drew closer. Then, Kota felt a soft wet tongue against his face and a soft, comfy amount of pressure on his front. The world slowly fell into focus, kinda. Halley was looking down at him, cute muzzle twitching with anxiety with his cute soft paws resting on his chest. Then, the sweet puppy turned to the side and called out: "Heyyy, um, he just woke up!"

Then, Kota fell into the comfy haze of Halley licking his face. He felt exhaustion permeate him, yet it faded steadily, his strength returned with every moment. He found the energy to turn his head away from Halley's warm wet tongue to examine the room. He was sitting on old, beaten carpet, in a rickety wooden house, with glorious morning sunlight gently blasting through a cracked, cobweb-coated window somewhere above him. Little particles of dust danced through the sunbeams, floating on the comfortably warm airflow. It was a new day. Kota strained to see out those windows up there and saw giant, gnarled pine trees rustling along in a pleasant breeze against perfect clear blue sky.

Then, he attempted to stand up before his legs gave way and he immediately crashed back into the carpet. He groaned and panted. Then, a new voice appeared.

"Hiii! There's no need to stress yourself, like you're fighting the indomitable might of the sun, or the unbreakable weight of the Wall~ Relax, fluffy.", Aly said, lowering her head to rest her muzzle on Kota's. "You're fine~"

Kota's ears perked up, head still placed on the dusty old carpet between his paws. Then, his eyes jerked back open wide and he sharply sat up, narrowly avoiding accidentally head-butting Aly in the process. I have paws! He leaned over and licked the sleek aquamarine fur of his front left paw. Heart flying into a panic, he stared at both his front paws, turning their delicate deep indigo pads towards his face to examine their soft skin. "i-I um!!-", he choked out up at Alukari, speaking for the first time.

The normally meek foxgirl stood, proud and fierce, over the heavily impaired Kota, just barely beginning to rise up from his weakest point. "It's okay, Kota! I'm so proud of you~ You're like one single flag standing on a distant and accursed mountaintop, all lonely and uncared for, but you're worthy and you're my friend!", Aly proclaimed.

Kota lifted his head and let out a strained smile. "t-Thank you! I-I really appreciate you~<3", he murred out, voice weird, softer, sleeker, more melodious. His heart was going crazy in his chest, fear flowing through him. "h-Hahhh~" He squeaked with alarm, but sighed with relief too, flopping back onto the floor for a bit longer. Then, he felt an awkward yet enticing pressure against his groin, there was one paw stroking down there.

Halley gave a cute rawr and reinstated himself, giving Kota's nose a soft playful bite. "I'm so glad you're okayyy!", he woofed, pressing his face up against Kota. He had already pressed a nice soft fuzzy blue paw against Kota's shiny new kitty cock.

Kota gave a weak smile up at Halley. His excitement suddenly rose. He had an odd spiky feline-style dick that was already growing from the attention, poking out, standing alert. He felt weird and alien but he submitted to the pleasure. I hope I'll get used to it, hhh~ He stared up at Halley, psychologically helpless, lost in desire already. He instinctively pressed himself up against the adorable teen husky and ground up against his fluffy front fur hard.

Halley giggled and rubbed up back against Kota, sensing his excitement, stroking over him just gently while staring into the newly-transfurred catboy's gleaming eyes.

Hal makes me feel so comfy, so did Rain, both of them always have, but like, what's going on? He let out an eager rawrrr as his excitement grew rapidly in response to Halley's attention. As a human, Kota always felt the same intense desires as any other average young man deep down, but now he was even more easily excited. Is this what Rain feels like all of the time?

FUNCTION DISORDER :: VOLUME ONEWhere stories live. Discover now