2 0 0

LOSS [??] began messaging KOTA [KJ] at 12:01

LOSS: hello, is this Kaleva

LOSS: Jaska?

LOSS: my buddy from the Upper City said that you're also his buddy


KOTA: Yeah, that's me. Which "buddy" is this?
KOTA: Sorry for the delay, btw.

LOSS: all g

LOSS: do you knOw:


KOTA: Yeah. Really good friend. We study together all the time.

LOSS: he's not talking to me anymore :(

LOSS: I'm really worried

KOTA: Same here. Not talking to me either, it sucks.

KOTA: He's probably okay though

LOSS: do u know what happened?

KOTA: I'm still trying to figure it out.

KOTA: He might have been attacked by d3mons and is still recovering

LOSS: whoa

LOSS: so that's what he meant by

LOSS: that

KOTA: What?

LOSS: it's fine, I just didn't expect u to just say something that was like that like that

LOSS: sorry

KOTA: It's okay, I'm just confused haha.

LOSS: whats with the 3

LOSS: thing in there in stead of an e

KOTA: The Eight Orders can see everything I type if they want, but, most of the time they have better shit to do than listen in on me

KOTA: But if I say certain words it trips their filters and makes them pay attention

KOTA: or at least that's how we think it works.

LOSS: it's just

LOSS: I was rly looking forward to meeting him irl and now he won't talk to me and I dunno what's goin on :(

KOTA: That sucks dude.

KOTA: I'll let you know if I find out anything.

LOSS: yer

LOSS: thx

RAIN [??] began messaging KOTA [KJ] at 15:15

RAIN: What did you think of it?
RAIN: Soooo?


KOTA: What about?

RAIN: The music

KOTA: Um, you didn't send me anything..

RAIN: Oh fuck, my bad, i forgot, gimme a second

RAIN sent the file "skyneedles_xxDJRAINxx.mp6"

KOTA: Oh thanks!

RAIN: i dunno if it's your style, it's kinda softer than my other stuff, hopefully you'll like it anyway

RAIN: i mean, you liked the last one, this one's similar

RAIN: i hope!

KOTA: Oh wow :D


KOTA: That's fucking awesome. That drop, omggg!

KOTA: That might be your best one yet.

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