𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞

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Jungkook's POV
The low hum of the air conditioner was a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. Mr. Lee, a man of few words and even fewer smiles, was immersed in the blueprints, his face a mask of intense concentration. It was a serene picture that stood in stark contrast to the chaos brewing within me.

Rose-Mr. Lee's secretary, was the source of my growing irritation. Her constant flitting in and out of the room was like a persistent mosquito, buzzing around my head.

"Mr. Lee, the new shipment from Germany has arrived," she announced, her voice as sweet and artificial as syrup.

Mr. Lee nodded without looking up. "Good. I'll see it later."

A beat. Then, her attention turned to me. "Mr. Jeon, your schedule for the afternoon..." she trailed off, her gaze lingering on me a moment too long.

I forced a polite smile. "I'm available."
She nodded, her eyes sparkling with an enthusiasm that was both baffling and infuriating. With a click of her heels, she disappeared, only to reappear a few minutes later.

"Mr. Lee, the conference room is ready for the three o'clock meeting," she chirped.

Mr. Lee simply nodded, his focus unwavering. I stifled a groan. How much longer could I endure this? I glanced at the clock, willing the hands to move faster.

Jungkook's POV

She reappeared a few minutes later, her heels clicking rhythmically on the carpet. "Mr. Jeon," she began, her voice soft and sultry, "I was wondering if you'd like to grab coffee after this? I heard there's a new place downtown that's supposed to be amazing."
I managed a forced smile. "I'm afraid I'm rather busy this afternoon, Rose."
Her smile didn't falter. "Oh, come on, it'll be fun. A little break never hurt anyone."

I glanced at Mr. Lee, who seemed blissfully unaware of the tension. "I'm really focused on this project right now, Rose. Maybe another time."

She pouted slightly, but her demeanor remained sunny. "Alright, well, let me know when you're free. I'm really looking forward to it."

With that, she turned and left, her hips swaying in a way that was both distracting and infuriating. I tried to return my attention to the blueprints, but my mind was racing. Was it just me, or was she escalating things?

This was becoming a game, and I was starting to lose patience.

Rose-mr jeon

Y/n aren't you ashamed for asking my boyfriend out? It's so cheap.

Rose: Excuse me?

Y/n: Shut up, idiot! Pale skin, you're educated but behave like a bi***

Rose: Mind your language! shouts

Y/n: You're supposed to do this because you're asking my boyfriend to go out with you. How cheap are you? You're a scaratery you should be working, not doing this! And yes, you are the...b****(shout)

Rose: Oh, please, don't act like his wife-

Y/n: I am his wife.


Rose: W-what? This is a lie!

Y/n: smirk "it's not honey we are both in secret relationship"

Rose: no you are laying Jungkook what she saying

Y/n : oho hello weak chicken leg how dare you call my man name.....

Rose: no this-

Y/n: I can tell you HIS DICK SIZE .....


ROSE "you slut "

Jungkook's POV

My blood ran cold. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She'd sworn at Y/N. It was as if someone had slapped me across the face. Y/N was the epitome of grace, kindness, and innocence. To hear her name uttered in such a disrespectful manner was a personal affront.

A surge of anger, raw and primal, erupted within me. It was a protective instinct, a fierce desire to shield Y/N from harm, even if it was just words. I felt my body tense, my jaw clench. Before I could stop myself, the words were out, a torrent of fury unleashed.

I don't remember exactly what I said, only the intensity of the moment, the need to protect, the desire to make Rose understand the depth of her transgression. In that instant, I was a lion defending its pride, a warrior shielding his queen.

"How dare you, Rose! You have no right to speak to Y/N like that. She's not someone you can just insult. Understand? She's special to me, and you crossed a line."

Rose's POV

I was stunned. Jungkook's voice, usually soft and melodic, was now a thunderous roar. His eyes, normally filled with warmth, were now blazing with anger. I hadn't expected this kind of reaction. I'd known he cared for Y/N, but I hadn't realized the depth of his feelings.

My mouth went dry. I wanted to apologize, to explain, but no words came out. I was frozen, caught in the intensity of his gaze.

Hello reader I know this one is short chapter my health is not too good so sorry

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