Once everyone was done eating, the guys were already getting into their swimming shorts. I couldn't help but stare a little bit when Leo lifted his shirt over his head. Penelope broke me from my trance when she spoke up though.
"You want to go swimming too? I brought an extra swimsuit with me, since I wasn't sure which one I wanted to use," she offered.
"Okay, are they bikinis or one piece?"
"I just brought a couple of one pieces. I like that I don't have to worry about them falling off," she giggled. "One time I was in the ocean in Florida and the strings on my top came undone. I'm so glad nobody saw me, since I noticed so fast."
"Yeah, I wore a tankini once and the same thing happened," I admitted, her leading me over to the building that was just a public restroom.
"You want the orange or the yellow one," she checked as she brought them both out of her green, mesh bag.
"The yellow one. It's my favorite color." I was already smiling when she handed it to me.
"That works out, since I like the orange one better myself. I bet you'll look great in the yellow though."
I nodded before going into one of the stalls to change, Penelope taking my bundle of clothes to store in her bag afterwards.
"You look so cute in that! I could never pull off the small cuts on the sides. I need to exercise more," she frowned as she adjusted her orange swimsuit in the sink's mirror.
"What are you talking about? You're so thin," I pointed out.
"I guess, but I'm not that small built. I mean, you're so tiny."
"I still think you look perfectly fine," I urged, her giving me a small smile.
"Thanks. You ready to go join the others?"
"I guess. I'm not used to swimming in lakes."
"Oh, this one's been cleaned out, so it shouldn't be mucky or anything. Plus, if you start to drown one of the boys will save you," she winked, causing my face to flush all the way to my ears, since I knew she was thinking of Leo for me.
Once we had stepped out the guys were jokingly throwing wolf whistles at us, laughing when Penelope rolled her eyes. The other girls were just getting around to going off to change when we walked over to the edge of the water.
"It's a little cold," Penelope giggled as she gradually stepped down in it.
I followed shortly after, pushing the water away as I went a little deeper, but I was scared to go where my feet couldn't touch the bottom. I watched as she started talking with a few of the guys, not even noticing that Leo had started coming over to me.
"You okay," he sweetly checked.
"Yeah, I'm just not comfortable being in deep water," I blushed, hardly able to meet his stunning blue eyes.
"You want to go out there with me? I'll make sure you don't fall in." He already had his hand held out, palm facing upward as I stared at it for a moment.
"Okay, but I'm not the best swimmer," I slightly laughed, him merely smiling as he grasped my hand firmly in his. He even wrapped his other arm around me at first, which just made me look like I already got a sunburn. I gasped when my feet fell from the drop-off, Leo quickly holding me close. "Sorry, I just didn't expect that," I laughed a little, able to start moving on my own a bit more.
"No, I should've warned you. I knew it was coming up," he shared, staying close to me as I kicked forward.
"There aren't any snapping turtles in this lake, are there," I wondered as my fears started catching up to me.

Delayed Reaction || Leonardo DiCaprio
Fanfiction"You were the best thing that I ever had to let go."