Chapter Twelve

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"Is Lucifer back yet?" Rebecca asked as she came out of the bedroom. With nothing of her own here, Lilith had loaned her some clothes to wear.

"No, he's still with the council." Lilith sighed as she slouched in her desk chair, suddenly hearing her stomach start to rumble "What the hell do we need to do to get some food around here? I'm fucking starving." she groaned.

"Good question." Ayin sighed as she looked in the mirror, psychically pulling her long hair up into a ponytail.

"Wait, do you actually need to eat?" Rebecca asked curiously as started combing her hair with her fingers.

"No, but I still enjoy it," she stated, glancing up at her forehead and swinging her hair back and forth.

"That's crazy," Rebecca said in awe "So, you're the physical embodiment of the philosophy 'Yesh Me'Ayin'?" she asked, and Ayin looked at her curiously.

"Both yes and no, but I suppose that's a simple way to put it." Ayin explained, "Did you study such things in the past?"

"Now that I think about it, yes actually." Rebecca chuckled "I was well-studied back then, wasn't I?"

"Considering everywhere you had your hands in, you knew a lot of languages," Lilith chuckled "Original Aramaic among them."

"That's amazing." Rebecca stated, looking around "God, this is so fucking weird."

"Just give it time, sweets. It'll all come to you eventually." Lilith reassured her "Love the tattoo by the way," she smiled, looking at Rebecca's chest.

"Oh," Rebecca said as she glanced down "I wasn't expecting it, so it's strange that now it's just sorta... there."

"Neat, huh?" Lilith smirked "I had to get mine redone when I came back. Ayin, can you change how- why am I even asking?" she started chuckling, and Ayin made an inky section of her skin begin to move, crawling up her arm and onto her shoulder and neck.

"I can make it go wherever I want or look however I want." Ayin stated bluntly "Like I said before, I don't really have preferences."

"God, that must be nice," Rebecca stated enviously "If I could change my hair's length or color at will I would feel way less nervous about cutting it."

"Oh yeah, a nice haircut totally changes your mood, but a bad haircut? Forget that shit." Lilith stated as she spun her chair around "Although, if you're thinking of doing something, now might just be the time, Becks."

"What?" she asked nervously.

"She makes a good point," Ayin stated bluntly as she sat down on the couch "You just went through a spiritual transformation, and now in the mortal realm you're all over the internet for something unfortunate. If you don't look quite the same, you might not be as easily connected." she explained, glancing over at Lilith.

"Seriously?" Rebecca asked skeptically "A haircut is gonna drag people's attention away from the third eyelid on my face?"

"Maybe a simple cut? Get some bangs." Lilith suggested as she leaned forward on her desk "I have scissors in my desk, we could do this right now." she stated, opening a drawer and pulling out a pair of gold metal scissors.

"Wait, are you fucking kidding me?" Rebecca asked nervously, looking back at Ayin "Do you even know what you're doing?"

"Why not?" Ayin asked blankly.

"Sweetie, I've been cutting hair since before salons existed," Lilith stated confidently, cutting the air "Whatdoya say?"

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