Chapter Seventeen

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"What?" Lilith asked defensively as she and Lucifer walked down the narrow stairwell to the club.

"You know what," Lucifer groaned as he held her hand "I know there's suddenly a lot on your shoulders, but you can't neglect yourself like you've been doing the past few days. I don't need to tell you what might happen if you don't keep your strength up," he sighed.

"I know, but finding time alone with either of you hasn't exactly been easy lately," she explained worriedly.

"You know that isn't the only option for you," he suggested, suddenly stopping her on the stairs "Have you considered switching to blood for a while? It could be more convenient"

"We aren't having this conversation right now," Lilith sighed, trying to look away but Lucifer gently pulled her face toward his, gently pushing her lip with his thumb to reveal her fangs.

"Why are you so afraid of your nature these days?" he asked calmly "You used to embrace your vampiric side, but ever since you reincarnated, it's like... it's like you want to hide from it."

"Lucy," she sighed, moving his hand away from her face "I don't... trust my cravings with blood since I came back. It took me decades to readjust to the sexual desires, but the bloodlust? That's something entirely different."

"You've tasted mine without having any problems," he chuckled, trying to sympathize "But, I think I understand," he sighed, squeezing her hand.

"You aren't human, yours isn't the same." she sighed, forcing a smile "As tasty as you are, angel blood doesn't do shit to sustain nightwalkers."

"I blame my brother for that poor design choice," Lucifer rolled his eyes.

"I don't think it was a conscious decision," she chuckled, pulling him to continue down the stairs "I just... don't want to rely on blood. It can be addictive and I just don't want to deal with it."

"I respect that," he said kindly as they reached the bottom of the stairs "I'm sorry I brought it up, I didn't realize it was this big of a struggle for you."

"That's partially my bad for not bringing it up since 1845." she chuckled, knocking on the window next to a metal door with the words "THE OASIS" poorly spray painted on it.

"Member I.D.," a tired feminine voice said, and Lilith cocked her head to the side and waved through the bars.

"Hello Angie," Lilith smiled, and the girl's eyes grew wide.

"Welcome back," Angie said in shock, hitting a button, and suddenly a loud buzzer went off, unlocking the door.

"Thank you," Lilith said as she pulled it open, and they were immediately met by the haze of incense and the sound of loud music playing. Behind the bar, an incubus was pouring drinks, and there were multiple stages set up with succubi dancing. Men, women, everyone here knew that the performers weren't human and had signed in willingly after going through a bit of a screening process. If they liked, they could even get a private room and do whatever it was that they desired. The succubi got to feed, the humans got to play, and everyone was happy. With the sister club having been raided by the Holy Alliance, the security here had increased heavily despite not seeming like it. Heavily armed guards were everywhere and prepared for anything, just out of sight.

"Well, well, well, I can't believe my eyes," the man behind the bar said as Lilith and Lucifer made their way over "Is that the lovely Lilith herself?" he asked.

"Eriq," Lilith smiled, reaching over the counter as he kissed her hand "How are things in my little slice of paradise?" she asked curiously.

"Business is well as always," he smiled, glancing at Lucifer who was looking around at the crowd "And you sir?" he asked curiously as he started making a drink.

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