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"Hello little one" a woman coos lifting an infint from the scorched ground as the child screams letting her displeasure be known.

"I know dear, such a change is scary" she coos rocking her "I've got you now, just calm

The child whimpers looking at the woman "Mama what happened?" A girl asks peeking the baby.

"Once a Phoenix has been reborn enough times they burn at the end of that life and gain a human form, they will continue to live as a they had burning at the end of one being reborn as human again with all their memories returned each time" the woman says softly.

"Can I hold her?" The girl asks.

"Of course but be careful darling" the woman says carefully helping the girl hold baby.

"How old is she?"

"A Phoenix is always both young and old, their minds full of history even when they are physically young"

"Can we keep her?"

"Yes but she needs a name"

"She's Hermione"

The woman nods smiling at the girl "Hermione Ravenclaw it is my dear" the woman says softly.

Years later

Sighing I rub my head fighting back my tears before glancing around the empty castle that's been my home since I was given a human name.

Getting up I get dressed before looking at the wall "time gets so confusing" I mumble.

Tracking the names I sigh, so many names but one thing remains the same the name
Hermione Ravenclaw, publicly I'm considered Rowena Ravenclaw's very great granddaughter from her second daughter each named Hermione but I've used Rowena or Helena sometimes both as middle names.

"A Phoenix gains a human form to find a mate, it's always another Phoenix that's gained human form but sometimes they are creatures as humans"

I sigh hearing Mom's words in my head "why's it always so complicated, I should have found them by now" I mutter.

"You haven't because they have not been ready or have not gained theirs, remember if a Phoenix finds a mate it's for life" I hear Helena's words again.

Frowning I huff grabbing my trunk that I've used since my beginning, walking out I smile at Beeley feeling her hug me before smoothing my robes "young Miss must try to make friends this year" she says sternly.

"No promises Beeley, I've gotten tired of watching people I care about dying" I say softly.

She huffs patting my arm "then someone to not be alone there" she adds.

Nodding I let her Apparate me to the train station "thank you Beeley, I'll be home for the holidays" I say seeing her nod before leaving.

Making my way down the crowded platform I frown feeling someone bumb into me, turning I see a dark haired boy "watch where your going" he hisses before shoving past me.

Clinching my fist I take a deep breath "ignorant child" I mutter making my way to the train, finding an empty compartment in Ravenclaw I go in pulling a book out and sit down to read.

Hearing students running around talking loudly and opening and close my compartment door I huff "I should have went to Beauxbatons Academy again" I mutter to myself.

Arriving at the school I glance around casually staying completely away from the students as we wait to be let in.

Looking up at McGonagall I frown seeing she looks very much like her mother only taller, her eyes glance to me and stop looking confused while continuing her speech.

Looking away from her I keep my face blank trying to ignore the memories seeing her brought up, that life was surprisingly short for me I'm still unclear about what killed me.

Being led in I stay back watching as everyone heads in, once the last child crosses into the Great Hall I step in rolling my eyes at the house tapestries fluttering before all showing Ravenclaw.

The Professors all look at me shocked before Helena floats in ignoring everyone, she stops in front of me smiling "Hello baby sister" she whispers softly.

Feeling the chill I know is her kissing my head I sigh closing my eyes, after the kiss she floats to the Front as I follow stopping away from the students "Hermione Rowena Helena Ravenclaw, Heir of Ravenclaw welcome to Hogwarts" she says.

Bowing slightly I tilt my head down "thank you Aunt Helena" I answer use to this since my last time here possing as my own very great grandmother.

Hearing chains rattling I grit my teeth before seeing the Bloody Baron come rushing in after her, stepping between them I lift my arms up before clapping my hands together as he passes stopping him "Bloody Baron" I hiss yanking my hand back dragging him to me.

He looks at me and screams struggling unable to get away "you were ordered to leave why are you still here" I demand.

"This is my home" he says panicking.

"No this is her home, you were but a spoiled rich brat that was unfortunate enough for us to have magic" I growl.

"Ms. Ravenclaw what are you doing" Dumbledore demands.

Glaring at him I twist my hand slightly hearing the Baron gagging before his spirit eventually stops moving, with a flash he disappears and my sister peaks out of a wall looking relieved but the whole time I keep my eyes on Dumbledore.

"You were told by my very great grandmother to remove him from this school, yet he was still here harassing her" I say between clinched teeth.

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