Slipping into the secret entrance Helena leads me to I frown looking around "so this is what I'm working with" I mutter picking up a fake sorcerer stone.

"A room full of false stones and a mirror" I mutter stepping closer to it.

"I show not your face but your heart's desire" I mutter reading it before looking in, seeing a blurry shadow holding my hand while my family stand behind me smiling proudly.

Frowning I tilt my head seeing myself look to the shadows arms smiling "a family" I mutter before looking away "the Mirror of Erised" I growl.

"Keeping such a dangerous object in a school of impressionable students" Helena says sounding disgusted.

"It's altered, something hidden inside it" I add.

"I checked the levels, I believe Hooch helped set this up"

"Why?" I ask out loud frowning.

"What are you doing down here?"

Turning around I look at Professor Snape seeing him glare at me before looking at Helena confused.

"My dear Aunt expressed concerns about the Mirror of Erised in a school full of students" I snap glaring at him.

Seeing him stare me down I turn to face the mirror "this is dangerous for students, even more ones from a bad home or lonely" I say softly touching the baby in mirror me's arms before touching the spot Rowena's hand rests on my shoulder.

"To see your heart's desire and be able to walk away is near impossible, tell me Professor, if you look what do you see?" I ask tilting my head frowning.

"That is none of your concern girl" he growls stalking closer.

"I see myself with a wife and child, surround by my family who look at me with pride and fawn over my child" I say ignoring him.

"Helena?" I ask glancing at her seeing her come closer.

"I see a memory, I'm holding my baby sister and mother should be here" she says softly pointing to a spot "this day we had rode Uncle Salazar's back flying in the sky, mother should be there laughing with the other founders at us, we kept begging for another ride we had wind swept hair and flush faces from the wind".

Smiling slightly I nod seeing her move away sadly, turning I look at Snape seeing his eyes filled with teas looking at the mirror "Professor, this shouldn't be here it's a cruel thing for many, it's driven many insane, why would someone keep this around children?"

He's eyes snap to me as I wipe my tears away "the Headmaster needs it" he says sounding uncomfortable before looking back at it.

"It is but a cruel tool, what if a student stumbled across it this shouldn't be here" I repeat pacing in front of it.

Glancing at it again I swallow forcing myself to look away from it "professor please" I beg looking at him seeing his eyes locked on it unmoving and crying.

Yanking my hand back I hit the mirror hissing at the glass slicing my arm, lifting it above my head Snape looks at me shocked before rushing over to check my arm.

Hissing I pull away "it's fine" I snap.

Feeling him grab me yanking it to see his eyes widen in shock at the cuts being healed "how?" He mutters dragging his thumb over the area.

Jerking away from him I turn stalking to the wall "do not repair the mirror, I've already reported it being it and sent my memory of it and how to get in here".

Hearing people rush in I motion to the mirror ignoring Dumbledore's glare at me "I broke it because Professor Snape was watching it, I couldn't get him to look away" I say.

"Lady Ravenclaw" Lucius says coming over to me.

"Lord Malfoy" I mutter nodding to him.

"Are you injured?" He asks seeing the blood on my arm.

"Professor Snape healed it already, thank you for your concern" I answer seeing his confusion at my lie.

"Why is there a room full of these" an Auror demands glaring at Snape.

"False stones, and according to what I could see from Professor Snape's mind, Headmaster Dumbledore set this up in the believe that He is coming back and after that Stone" I answer.

Looking at him I smirk seeing his eyes narrow at me, turning I walk passing McGonagall and glare at her "my grandmother would be disappointed in you" I say casually before continuing on.

Stopping I turn looking at Dumbledore seeing him watching me, glancing I see everyone else is distracted gathering up everything "oh that reminds me" I say casually catching Malfoy's attention.

"He altered the mirror to hold this, it came out when I was looking in it" I say tossing the stone to Malfoy "Merlin knows what the point of it was" I say scoffing.

Glancing at Dumbledore I see his face pale and go slack at my actions as Malfoy hands it to the team to be destroyed.

Once I make it to my room I see Hooch on my bed reading, walking over I slap her head before grabbing her robes yanking her to face me "you helped set up a challenge to reach that damn stone and failed to mention it?" I demand.

"Stone?" She repeats confused.

"That damn stone of Flamals, hidden in my home" I snarl.

"I don't know what you're talking about Hermione" she says looking panicked.

Forcing my way in her mind I search for the memory feeling her mind relax completely without trying to fight me.

Finding nothing I pull out seeing her flinch holding her head "your memory has been messed with" I grunt.

"Of course I forgive you for roughly invading my mind and doubting my loyalty" she snaps glaring at me.

Sighing I push my hand into my hair "I'm sorry Hooch, I shouldn't have do that or doubted you" I say suddenly feeling upset about what I did.

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