Holiday break

Walking into the castle I let Dracaena out and slightly larger as Myrtle flies away to do whatever she's planning.

Hearing Beeley laughing happily I follow the sound finding her petty Dracaena as Myrtle helps herself to fruit "you bring home friends" she says proudly.

"I couldn't leave them at Hogwarts" I say shrugging like it's nothing.

"Letter came" she adds holding it up.

Reaching out for it I sigh as she jerks it back from me "food first" she says sternly.

"Beeley can we not do this right now?"

"Food" she repeats.

Huffing I sit down accepting the bowl of fruit "you know I'm not truly a child, I knew your grandparents that worked for mother".

Feeling a smack on my hand I hiss yanking it up and look at Beeley pointing at me with a wooden spoon "job is care for Ravenclaw house and heir that forgets food and sleep if not on schedule, raise if burned now eat" she orders.

Grumbling I start eating seeing her getting food for Dracaena "many reports came in, you made trouble at school".

"No, I challenged Dumbledore about how the school is being run, he didn't like that I did it"

"Attacked school mates?"

"After they attacked me"

She scoffs turning to look at me "never problems at Beauxbatons" she says getting worked up.

"France is more accepting of creatures or muggles, and the headmistresses all have creatures heritage"

"New one says large bone not giant but is"

Snorting I cover my mouth listening to her rant about creatures not accepting what they are and needing pride

"In her defense Beeley, as accepting as France is Giants still have a bad Image so it's understandable that she won't admit it" I say after she stops.

She waves me off making a pfft sounds and I shake my head "you are so French" I mumble.

Finishing my food I take the letter opening it "Lord Malfoy has started the investigations I requested" I say before looking at the second page "and sent another marriage request contract for me and Draco" I mutter.

"Offer new?"

Nodding I frown "higher dowry offer and the offer of having a Manor built for us".

Seeing Beeley place a quill and ink pot I nod then quickly declining the request again "man never stops" she grumbles.

Shrugging I send the letter off with Myrtle "Malfoy's have always married up, last marriage was with house of Black I'm the highest you can reach being named Ravenclaw, luckily the son is decent for a human a little to cocky and full of himself, but nothing like his father or grandfather he does follow their lead for a while but finds himself early on and turns out alright" I say.

"Sign of mate?"

Shaking my head I sigh "No, I don't believe she's gained her human form yet after all these years and travels".

"Still feel need be in France?"

"Yes, and feel like I should have picked Beauxbatons Academy"

"Request transfer?"

Shaking my head I frown "No, after seeing how my home is being handled I have to stay and fix it and try to break the curse on Mother and Helena".

Beeley nods then frowns "expect guest" she says happily before leaving with a pop.

"Beeley I didn't invite anyone over" I call running for the door.

Seeing it opened and Hooch smirking at me as beeley leads her in I frown crossing my arms "what are you doing here?"

"Came to spend the holiday with you" she coos pinching my cheek while passing me.

"Who invited you?" I counter knowing I didn't.

"Your mother and sister now where will my room be, oh Rowena said to remind you that as her heir you are expected to be a proper host and not embarrass her"

"Beeley please show our guest to her room" I say forcing myself to smile "welcome to my home Madame Hooch, I'm pleased you could join me" I add in a strained voice.

A few hours later

Sitting at the table I raise my brow seeing Hooch glare at Myrtle for setting her food on fire.

"Hermione do something about her" she huffs.

"I would but she's currently making a point to get pay back on anyone who upset her before her rebirth" I say shrugging and going back to my food.

"What did I do?" She asks.

"You must have upset her as a spirit so best thing you can do is apologize and hope she forgives you"

"Who was she?"

Hearing Myrtle screech before pecking her I chuckle shaking my head "Myrtle Warren".

"What did I do to Moaning Myrtle?"

Seeing her get pecked again I smirk "call her Moaning Myrtle, she hates that name".

"Okay, I'm sorry I won't call you that" she hisses trying to avoid being pecked again.

Chuckling I watch as Myrtle steals fruit from her but leaves her remade plate alone "how do your fruits taste so much better than what's offered at Hogwarts?"

"I'm a Phoenix, and I have my own garden that I use to grow my fruit using Helga's techniques, none of this poison used now that changes the taste" I answer smugly.

She nods watching Myrtle as she flips the bowl falling off the table to the floor, getting up I pick her up and sit back down "Why is she so energetic and clumsy?"

"She's young, this is her first time away from her nest after a year before returning to me, at this stage when in the time stream it sometimes makes her a hatchling that need care again to learn more from more experienced Phoenixes, I'm sure she's been out fixing anomalies in time to learn how to pick up on them, then she returns to me a little more confident and experienced, I tell her stories as well teaching her more"

"I had tea with Minerva before I left" she says frowning while changing the subject.

Looking at her I raise my brow waiting for her to finish, seeing she's not going to I sigh "am I supposed to care about that?" I ask.

"She's going to drive herself mad trying to figure you out, I wouldn't be surprised if the cat starts sticking her nose into matters that do not concern her involving you"

"If she does then she will learn what a burning tail feels like" I mutter.

"She was a favorite student of yours at one point"

"She took my teachings and instead of encouraging all her students, favors her house following that pitiful excuse of a headmaster, until she starts thinking for herself she will never figure anything out and should she try I will punish her" I say before getting up.

"Miss bed" Beeley says.

Groaning I tilt my head back ignoring Hooch laughing "and apparently it's my bed time because my elf refuses to accept I am not truly a child so good night".

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