Heading down I smile as my guest look up at me as Bella joins me, walking down Bella greets people while introducing me.

After the greetings I wonder off to the snacks placed grabbing a banana that's been sliced and charmed to stay fresh while out.

Eating it I freeze seeing Pansy step in front of me smirking "Parkinson" I greet.

"Ravenclaw" she replies while grabbing a small sandwich and drink.

"I thought this would be like a pure blood party, all prim and proper with a dinner"

Grimacing I shake my head "I have trouble with the heavy foods made here, I have lived in France for years that food is lighter" I say say carefully.

"Why didn't you go to Beauxbatons Academy, I would have"

"Just felt Hogwarts sounded like a decent choice" I answer leaving out that fate pushed me to go.

She nods looking at the groups chatting "how do you know if you have familiar bonds".

Frowning I glance at her seeing she looks uncomfortable "you're familiar can share their thoughts with you, other times you may have stray thoughts not your own, when I first had it happen with Dracaena I thought I was going mad because I kept hearing her think about how her mice and rats taste" I answer slightly disgusted with the memory.

Pansy sighs looking relieved "Oh that explains why I keep thinking about catnip toys" she says chuckling.

Smiling I nod grabbing a strawberry "where do you get your fruit?" She asks.

"Our garden, before Fawkes there was another Phoenix that was at Hogwarts and the founders built a garden to grow fruit for it, we still use Helga's technique for growing them absolutely not poisons in it but a spell she invented to help prolong how long their ripe for"

Seeing Luna wander into a my library I glance at Pansy "excuse me" I say before heading to the room finding Luna looking around with a dreamy smile.

"All the creatures here are fascinating" she says messing with something on a shelf.

"Creatures?" I ask seeing her looking at a sculpture Helena made me for my burning day.

"Please don't touch that, it's an heirloom from Helena Ravenclaw"

"Your sister" she says smiling.

Tensing I look at her "my very great aunt" I reply.

She hums shaking her head "my mother told me a story about our cousins, we may not hold the Ravenclaw name but we are very distant cousins to them, she told me how Rowena and Helena found a Phoenix burning that turned into a human child, raised has her second daughter".

"That's just a story" I mutter frowning at her.

"No, it's true my uncle married Narcissa and she confirm it because he was expecting to help guard the Phoenix of House Black, who made him swear to help protect the Phoenix of House Ravenclaw to the best of his abilities"

Swallowing I glance around nervously "he in turn asked my family to help, I never thought I'd meet you".

"Luna, this is something humans have forgotten with all their hate they can not be told" I warn knowing she's correct and not a threat.

"It's sad really, there's so much we've forgotten because of our self centered ways, creatures that can't be seen because we've closed our minds to them"

Hearing the door open I see Hooch come in glancing at us "Hello Madame Hooch" Luna greets looking above her head "your Aura is whiter, the gray shading is fading".

"Right, thank you Ms. Lovegood" Hooch says before glancing at me "you both are supposed to be with the guests and Hermione you need to dance with someone it's expected".

I sigh but nod as we walk back out joining the party, seeing Luna head to her parents I take a breath and walk over "Ms. Lovegood may I have a dance?" I ask after bowing and holding my hand out to her.

She nods smiling at me while taking my hand, leading her out I start a waltz while leading her "your family seems relieved about something" I say casually.

"They're concerned about me going to Hogwarts, mother was bullied as a student then the issues with Dumbledore they worry for my safety"

Nodding I smile as we finish our dance before I lead her back to her family "I understand we are very distant relatives Mr. Lovegood" I say carefully.

"Yes" he says smiling at me.

"I also understand that you and Mrs. Lovegood are concerned about Ms. Lovegood being at Hogwarts after Mrs. Lovegood's experience"

Seeing their smiles fade as they nod I smile slightly "then allow me to help reassure you both, she is family while very distant I will protect her to the best of my abilities, I will not allow anyone to bully her and will keep myself between her and the headmaster's plans as much as possible".

Return to school

Walking in without my familiars I make my way to the table for dinner as Helena joins me "how what your holiday sister?" She asks.

Glancing at her I sigh "Hooch was with me for the holidays" I grumble.

"We didn't want you alone for the holidays again, while you have Beeley we wanted you to have a friend around since we can't be"

Sighing I nod "someday I'll be headmistresses and we can spend all our time together".

"And we'll get to meet your mate and hopefully you're children someday" she adds.

"I'm starting to think I won't meet them for another thousand years" I whisper sadly.

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