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Groaning I tilt my head back "you hatched the entire nest really?" I ask already knowing the answer since I can clearly see the proof.

"Unless you have a mate or partner to help, you only hatch one or two never an entire nest" I add seeing her head drop.

Turning I look at Narcissa "please have fruit paste sent up and help us feed the young" I say.

She nods calling for an elf to bring it, walking over I look at the chicks hearing them demand food "send for the her chick that has lived as a Black as well" I add.

Seeing the paste sat down I huff before changing forms and start feeding one as Myrtle handles another while Hooch and Narcissa help with the final two.

"Cissa?" A voice calls.

"Library, I do hope you brought Nymph to help us" she answers.

"I did but you" she trails off looking at us then the nest "what's going on?" She asks.

"A young Phoenix hatched an entire nest and now needs help"

"How young?" She asks frowning.

"Mystfire took her at the beginning of the year, she's lived long enough to leave her nest and came back but still learning" Hooch answers.

Seeing her eyes move to me I bob my head in greeting then focus on the chicks singing to them.

Seeing her drag her daughter forward making her sit I continue on seeing her join her daughter looking at me shocked.

Sometime later

Changing back I huff sitting down seeing Myrtle asleep on the chicks "you two will need to help raise them till they can leave home" I say softly.

Looking at the daughter I step closer frowning at her "she's got human in her" I say before looking at the mother.

"Andi married a muggle born wizard"

"What of your eternal?" I ask frowning.

"I gave into human urges just like she did with those chicks"

Huffing I cross my arms trying to remember the time limit, frowning at getting confused I turn to Narcissa "time limits?" I ask.

"Five years"

Laughing slightly I sit down crossing my arms "then you three better pull out of public view and play off a pregnancy, someone needs to have twins as well because I'll be in fifth year I will not have it said the Heir of Ravenclaw was a teen mother".

"I could have one" Hooch says softly "raising one will be easier then two or Beeley could, she was worried about the eggs when they were mentioned in the letter".

"Beeley will have the snake to worry about and Dracaena if she continues to prefer not to leave home as she has been" I answer frowning.

"Do I have any cousins from you?"

Looking at Nymph I raise my brow before motioning to Myrtle "she's my first claim, I have not had any myself or given into human urges" I say calmly.

"Oh, so only Bella did?"

Nodding I then frown seeing her hair change colors "how does the Metamorphmagus abilities effect your Phoenix?" I ask.

"I'm only clumsy, tend to appear like I'm new a lot but I can't change my colors or features"

Nodding I look around at the others "how do you play off Ravenclaw only having one daughter after each burning?" Nymph asks pulling my attention back.

Andi thumps her head "Nymphodora do not ask that" she says frowning.

"Don't call me that and it's a reasonable question, generations have only seen one Ravenclaw female born"

"A curse because of Helena, only one Ravenclaw female will be born till the curse on her is lifted"

"She's cursed?"

Nodding I frown "she's cursed to never see or hear Rowena even in portraits, a precaution because of the lost items meant for the hall of founders, we were meant to set it up after their death but it was never completed, they decided we were to be in it but died before finishing then their items started disappearing, I would have completed it a long time ago but Fate kept pushing me to do different things or travel different places".

Standing up I raise my brow seeing Andi get up quickly looking at me "will you come back, visit us or let us visit you" she blunts out.

"I never stopped you from reaching out to me, I believed you blamed me for her being there so I never reached out"

"Andi thought you wanted her to stay away because of Bella"

Sighing I look at Andi before cupping her cheek "I forget this is you first human life, my sister's crimes are hers alone I place no blame on you or them" I say nodding to Nymph and the chicks.

"Why France?" She asks pressing her cheek to my hand closing her eyes.

"Fate, it calls to me, my Eternal is supposed to be there" I answer shrugging.

"I've yet to feel the pull for mine" she mumbles.

"Your's may not have a form or be ready to meet but it will be a Phoenix, remember they could have creature heritage in their human form"

Turning I look at Myrtle sleeping "I'll return but for now she must stay with them".

"You'll come for Christmas right?"

Frowning I go to decline but feel a push and sigh nodding "I'll relocate to Ravenclaw Manor, we can spend the holidays together" I answer.

Turning I walk out heading for Ravenclaw Manor and let myself in, looking around I frown dragging my finger across a shelf a layer of dust on it "nice place, doesn't look like it's been abandoned for years" Hooch says frowning.

"Not abandoned just unused, it was meant for me because Helena wanted to study more in France"

"So you're living in the castle meant for her?"

Nodding I start cleaning stuff "she was the rightful Heir, Mother insisted on us sharing it but I refused it saying she should have it, after her murder mother placed everything on me as the Heir and head of house, the school technically belongs to me as the last living member of any of the founders I have a say in how it's ran, that's why I've demanded an investigation into the school since Dumbledore took over".

Two days later

Getting up I frown seeing holiday decorations up with Hooch helping the elves place them and a large tree in the lounge "what's all this?" I ask.

"Hermione Ravenclaw is hosting a very private and exclusive Yula ball, I will play the role of your mother"

"I never liked those, I hated the dresses or allowing a man to lead me in a dance unless it was Salazar or Godric" I say frowning.

"I've thought of that, you will wear dress robes that I've taken care of" she says motioning to a coat rack holding robes.

Moving over I tilt my head looking over the clearly old robes that look surprisingly traditional without being something humiliating "where did you find these?" I ask.

"Those are the Ravenclaw heirloom robes, they belonged to Rowena's father but I did find a few things that belonged to Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Gryffindor to add to it since this came" she says holding a box out.

Frowning I take the box and open it seeing house rings

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