Walking into McGonagall's class I sigh glancing a Myrtle perched on my shoulder singing happily "I never knew anyone not a Dumbledore could have a Phoenix come to them" someone whispers.

Rolling my eyes I sit down sighing at Myrtle perching on my head still singing.

Reaching up I move her off to sit on the table and gently grab her beak "enough, calm yourself or you will have to leave the class" I say calmly.

Seeing her puff up I tap her beak smiling "you can puff up and get mad but you have to allow students to learn".

Jerking my hand back I raise my brow at her setting herself on fire before taking off from the room "children" I mutter softly.

Seeing McGonagall move to start class I sit letting her speak before raising my brow at her missing information that Rowena published.

Raising my hand she calls on me "transfiguration to Animagus is complicated but someone very dedicated to it can gain a second Animagus form of a similar species, say someone has a feline Animagus they could gain a second that is feline as well, Salazar Slytherin was a Basilisk but he could also be a dragon and was known to allow students to meet him in those forms, he even took Rowena's daughters flying as a dragon".

Ignoring the groans from the students I watch McGonagall seeing her frown at me before moving on with her lesson, sighing I look at the button on my table before changing it to a a tiny doll if Salazar as a dragon with two children on his back.

Laying my head on the table I look at it smiling softly "Ms. Ravenclaw pay attention or do you feel my lesson is unnecessary for you" she says sternly.

Glancing up I frown "the A, B, C's of Transfiguration" I snap before charging my doll back do then never take my eyes off her while naming each step doing them.

"The final is Animagus" I hiss before changing into my Phoenix form then a Thunder Bird and finally back to human "now do I need to listen to you tell me something I learned already" I demand.

Being sent out I huff glaring at her before walking out "she's a disappointment, so much potential sits in front of her and she ignores it because of the house" I grumble.

Walking out of the castle I huff moving to my rock and sit down reading a book, feeling someone sit by me I glance seeing Hooch sat by me.

"Hello" I greet before looking at my book.

"Hermione" she says softly chuckling.

Frowning I glance at her "you can't fool a creature that knows you" she says softly.

Humming I glance at my book again "let it go Fury".

"And why would I do that when you have avoided me since our first encounter"

Huffing I close my book looking at her "because eventually you will die, I have grown tired of seeing death take my friends like it took my family, I come back each time and see my friends pass, even ones like you with longer lives then the humans but eventually death comes, I refuse witnesses it anymore" I say calmly before getting up to walk away.

"So say you, what of the woman that saved me after my broom was hit" she say harshly.

Twitch slightly I turn looking at her "she burned years ago, humans wish to destroy themselves, let them burn with the world as they slowly set themselves ablaze, I tried and burned many times for it, died at his Heir hands he wished to see the world fall, and the worst sits within my home, a place meant for learning and safety he casts shadows of corruption and favoritism, fanning the hate that his lover started and the heir fed".

"Jaded by past, look to the future and tell what's seen"

Laughing harshly I shake my head "I speak truth, world ablaze the humans burn within their own hate and war, let them meet fate alone to face judgement".

Turning I walk away "yet you burned for one girl and took her to meet fate, you still care for them because you know some are worthy of the blessings time gifted as cores".

Freezing I frown "she was different but my teaching has failed in one while I failed another, I owed her to make up for my failure".

Two Days later

Sitting in the library I frown seeing Argus cleaning a wall being unable to call for an elf to  help.

Getting up I move over seeing someone disfigured it with an image mocking him, waving my wand I take it down startling him.

He spins sneering at me "What girl" he hisses.

Shaking my head I frown before calling Beeley to bring my family's elf bell, when she pops in I take it thanking her before she leaves then hold it out to him "this will call an elf to come to you, just ring it and one will come to help" I say placing it in his hand.

"It's a necklace so wear it at all times in case you need help, I gift this to you Argus Filch and only your squib descents" I add before walking away.

Going back to the library I sigh looking at the books "Madame Pince, I was thinking of donating some books, is there anything that you could think of out of date or needs replacement?" I ask.

"Their condition?" She asks watching me closely.

"Like new ma'am, but I'm happy to have you make sure they meet your standards, you've clearly taken such care of the books here" I answer smiling at her.

She nods digging up a list that my eyes widen at "I've been trying for years to get these but we never have the funds for it" she says.

Nodding I reach out to take the list the she keeps a hold of while looking at me "Madame Pince, I'll need that to send my elf for any we have" I say carefully.

"I want my book that Albus took from here" she says finally.

"Is it on the list?" I ask.

"Yes, it must be my book" she adds.

Nodding I take the list "I will do my best to get it, if not I'll replace it" I say backing away from her.

Leaving the library I sigh "she's as bad as mother over the books" I mutter softly.

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