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Getting done with the sorting I scoff softly hearing Potter being placed in Gryffindor with the Weasley family "the Potter boy doesn't even realize that the Weasley boy is a fame chaser, looking to hang around with the him because his father killed Tom Riddle" Helena whispers near me.

Humming I nod poking my food "why is British food so heavy?" I mutter.

"My dear sister, you have spent many generations in France eating like a bird" she teases softly.

"I am a bird Helena, is it to much to ask for some nice ripe fruit, oh Fruit paste like mother made" I groan feeling my stomach rumble.

Hearing Helena giggling I huff before smiling slightly seeing a Phoenix land in front of me, I raise my brow seeing his head crest raise and falls curiously before he wobbles watching me.

Mimicking him I smile seeing his crest raise up excitedly "Hello my friend" I whisper.

He puffs singing happily before looking at me, chuckling I mimic him and eventually he flys away returning with fruit he sits in front of me.

Smiling I reach out stroking his chest "thank you Soul Fire" I whisper using his true name.

Watching him fly away I start eating while ignoring everyone looking at me, finishing my fruit I stand up walking like I'm following Helena to Ravenclaw rooms.

Stopping at Rowena's in room portrait I tilt my head "Hello mother" I greet.

"Hermione you've finally returned home" she greets before looking beside me to where I glanced "Helena says Hello and she misses you" I add.

"I miss you both my dears" she says sadly before opening the portrait to my room.

Walking in I shake my head glancing at Helena "I regret it you know".

Nodding I look down "I know, I'm trying to figure out how to fix it but without the founders Hall open and the missing artifacts it's impossible" I answer.

"Dumbledore holds the sword of Godric, mother's diadem is in the ROR but Salazar and Helga's I don't know" she whispers.

Nodding I turn walking back out of the room to the third floor ignoring the Tabby cat following me pacing I mutter what I'm looking for.

Hearing the stone shift I push the door open walking in ignoring McGonagall "Accio Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem" I say.

Hearing rattling I frown looking in the direction I hear it, finding a chest and moving to it I open it finding the diadem inside, smiling slightly I transfigured a box to hold it safely then place it in smiling "I'll fix it for you both" I whisper.

Closing it I tilt my head back "just ask Professor McGonagall" I finally say not looking at her.

"Why do you seem familiar?" She asks.

"My great grandmother was friends with your mother, she visited you after her death" I answer shrugging while not looking at her.

"No, I remember her and you seem to similar"

Huffing I stand up taking the box "that cat nature will be your downfall Minerva, unlike a Phoenix cats have 9 lives" I snap raising my brow.

Seeing her freeze up I walk out closing the door behind me heading back to my room.

Going in I see Rowena in her portrait in the room, smiling I walk over opening the box "we got it, now we need Helga's cup, Godric's sword, and Salazar's locket" I say proudly.

"Wonderful" she says proudly as I put it away.

"Minerva's suspicious and I didn't help getting frustrated and telling her what I did last she met me" I say.

"Hermione, you have to keep control it's still to early for you to be back here after the last time"

"I didn't even want to teach here" I grumble sitting down.

"You were magnificent as a teacher"

"I was tempted to attack multiple student's I'm still convinced one caused my early death" I grunt.

"Riddle" Helena say softly.

"How did he kill me?" I demand.

"You and a student crying in the Perfects' bathroom, he let Salazar's pet out and it killed you, it's still there"

"He used Dracaena to kill me?" I demand.


"She turned on him after that and he forced her back in, I've checked on her but she seems entirely upset even now"

"I helped her hatch and warmed her as a hatchling, other then Salazar I raised her" I hiss.

"I believe she fears you will blame her for believing him"

"No, but if he was alive I'd kill him myself" I grunt "it was uncomfortable dying so soon and it threw my rebirth out of order I came out an adult".

"Calm yourself" Rowena says softly chuckling.

Taking a breath I sigh letting it out "I'm sorry mother, when Beeley found out she kept me locked in our home till my next rebirth because she was worried about how it would go, she was a nightmare to deal with I sneezed once and she went into a fit convinced I was going to die truly and never be reborn".

"She adores you like her family did from the day I brought you into the castle"

"I know but she's high strung and dramatic at times" I grumble.

"You set yourself on fire on Godric's lap because he refused to give you some of his fruit"

"And I'm done, I'm going to bed I love you mother and Helena, mother, Helena loves you now goodnight" I say getting under my blanket to sleep

A few hours later

Getting up I sneak out of my room to the Perfects' bathroom looking around, hearing someone crying in a stall I step over pushing it open "Myrtle?" I say softly.

"What?" She demands floating out.

"Oh yeah, I remember her" I mutter.

Holding my hand out I look at her "Try" I say softly.

She scoffs flicking her hand like she's going to slap mine, feeling it connect I grab on seeing her shock "you're life finished here Myrtle it's time to move on".

"How?" She screeches looking panicking.

"You were meant for great things but it was stopped by a cruel situation, it's time to accept this to restart, all life ends and gets reborn but holding onto this is holding you back from your next step"

"She said she wouldn't leave me here but she did" Myrtle whispers sounding broken.

"She died Myrtle, she had no choice there are things you have yet to learn but you could if you accept that it's time to let go"

"Will she be there?"

"Yes" I whisper.

Seeing her nod I smile before letting myself take my true form, landing on her shoulder I nuzzles her head before setting myself on fire and flying away with her.

Singing I bob my head seeing a second Phoenix join me grabbing Myrtle, hitting our natural home I continue singing before letting her go.

Following her path I watch as the time stream decides her fate seeing it change her direction I follow her seeing her throw out into a fire.

Landing by it I watch as her future sets in, once I hear a crack I climb over her checking her she peeps up at me flapping her useless wings, nuzzling her I then take off trusting the Phoenix there to care for her till she's ready to return.

Landing back at Hogwarts I nuzzle Fawkes before he takes off to the headmaster's room while I head for my next target.

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