Fleur pov start of Hermione's first year at Hogwarts

Sitting across from Madame Maxime I raise my brow watching her looking into school records frowning "are you absolutely sure this is true?" She asks pulling the record book for one family that did not send a child this year.

"Yes, they are not here, I need to know who never claimed their attendance spot"

She frown looking at it "Mademoiselle Ravenclaw" she says sitting it down keeping her hand on it "last descent of Rowena Ravenclaw, that family has sent their daughter's here for years but occasionally they go to Hogwarts".

Pulling it from under her hand I open it seeing the information on them and signatures "Olympe have you ever truly looked at this?"

"No, just checked for if the heir will be joining us but she declined"

Tapping the paper I eventually check the rest "it's the same person she poses as her mother".

Seeing her frown before checking it I wait for her to finish "how can this be?" she mumbles.

"For her to have done this, this long and have her magic become so deeply infused in the school she has been coming her for generations as a student learning with them"

"There are a few times she didn't return, it was during times you traveled refusing school"

Frowning I nod as she puts the book down for me to see, looking at the information I raise my brow "did she happened to join the prized student wall? She's been top of her class each time".

She grabs the books leaving the room, getting up I follow her to the hall of students, finding the Ravenclaws name she tsks looking at the information available "many have declined their image being place".

Tracking the first image to the next I smile looking at the next "she's keeping her looks from being public knowledge so someone doesn't realize she's the same person, it's why I refuse to come at times or went to a different school".

"She's like you then" Olympe says looking at one image "this girl, I studied with she made a point to stay around me and taught me magic for my protection".

"That year I went to the American school" I say softly.

"You always seem to just miss each other" she adds.

"She's my Eternal but why is there such a large gap in her history between the 1940 and 1980?"

"The Wizarding wars, Tom Riddle was growing in power and started a war"

"She fought?"

"I believe she was active, if I remember correctly a Professor Ravenclaw was killed at Hogwarts with a muggle student, not long after a daughter came out and tried to get hired but was refused, she was later noted as fighting a daughter of House Black that joined Riddle, Ravenclaw was who stopped her from attacking the Longbottom family and took her to face charges for her crimes"

"A Phoenix rarely gets involved with wars other then as healers or to repair a time anomaly, even with human form we are ment to keep the time lines from going wrong, I remember feeling like something had gone terribly wrong, all Phoenix's felt fate pushing us to fix it and we had to locate problems to repair, but England was blocked to us only four could be there"

"Do you remember who?"

"The one always at Hogwarts known as Fawkes, the two first mated pair and one of their children named Mystfire"

Frowning I look at her image "that event sent Fate into a fit there was stories being told of a Phoenix going mad and trying to speed up time to reach something, Fate blocked us from going to far into the future since then and the stories of Mystfire becoming jaded started, she left the time stream and hasn't been seen or heard since, another is Mystfire and mad Phoenix are sisters, that their parents and Fawkes were the only ones trusted to help her".

"That's uncommon for a Phoenix to be so territorial with other Phoenixes"

"Yes, but I remember feeling I needed to be there to help desperately, after we finished our job we all gathered around a point of battle, and sang it was of a jaded and lost Phoenix meant to encourage her to return home, we still sing it around Azkaban or randomly when Fate tells us"

"It's likely that the daughter of House Black is a Phoenix and Mystfire her sister that means she had to fight her sister to stop her"

A few months later

Tilting my head I follow Fate's pull returning to my home, spotting a soul fly past I dive out of the path and see a beautiful blue and green Phoenix following her singing.

"Fear not my embrace, child mine, Fate's plan for you still unreached trust in me the mist of fire you will return anew"

After a few minutes I see her leave, going to where she left the egg and landing I find a baby chick demanding food.

Moving closer I nuzzle her before feeling a pull and leave.

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