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Hermione pov

Waking up I smile seeing Fawkes sat beside on the bed raising my brow I then frown seeing him cough up an egg puffing up proudly, reaching over I carefully pick it up looking it over "Soul, it needs more time in the sands before it's ready" I say softly.

He's feathers unpuff and his head drops down "it's your first time bringing someone to Fate that's yours, and who ever this was they haven't healed enough to hatch, take them back in and let them soak in the sands more".

He takes off and I sigh before looking at Myrtle asleep on Dracaena both in my bed, noticing movement I frown looking and see Hooch asleep on my bed snoring softly while twitching her foot.

"You are making me consider having you fired from being a professor at my school" I snark pushing her enough to wake her.

"Sleeping" she mumbles rolling over.

"You are a grown woman in the bed of a student, alone at that students house without a parent or guardian"

"You are older than me now let me sleep" she grumbles.

"Why are you even in my bed?" I ask.

"that elf decided to clean my room in the middle of the night"

"Get up, I have things to do" I mumble pushing her again.

Seeing her huff and settle in to sleep I frown rolling over and climb over her pressing my hand into her stomach, getting up I chuckle seeing her rush from the bed to the bathroom.

Moving to my closet I pull out an outfit and change "you need glamoured if you plan to follow me around".

"Fine make it quick" she grumbles.

Smirking I quickly place it before tossing her my clothes "who are I supposed to be?" She grunts looking in the mirror.

"Hermione Ravenclaw, my mother" I snark.

Seeing her leave to get dressed I grab my money "Dracaena do you want to come?" I ask.

She glances at me then curls up going back to sleep as Myrtle lands on my shoulder singing happily "yeah I know you're coming" I mumble ignoring her preening my hair again.

"Where are we going?" Hooch asks coming out.

"Since I'm expected to celebrate this human custom of Christmas now, after years of not doing it I have to go locate gifts" I grumble.

Stalking out I stop at the Apparation point "to the shops here in France" I say grabbing her hand.

Landing I huff dusting myself off "stupid trace, always gets put back on me the moment I join a school" I grumble.

Taking off I head straight for the familiar shop dragging Hooch with me "I need a perch for this one, and something for Dracaena" I say glancing at her.

Moving to the stuff I look at what's available while frowning at the lack of choices I huff crossing my arms "fine I'll make my own" I grumble before moving to the birds.

Seeing Myrtle on a perch I raise my brow seeing her happily looking at her reflection in the mirror on it "you like that one?" I ask.

Hearing her sing louder I nod motioning her off before grabbing it, but I freeze at seeing a cage hidden under it holding a snake.

Sitting it down I move the rest away then pull it out for a better look "Hello beautiful girl, you're not a magical creature what are you doing here?" I coo.

"Excuse me ma'am, why is a muggle Burmese python here?" I call to the employee.

"Has magical traits and to dangerous to sell to an inexperienced snake handler"

"I have a basilisk and raises her since hatching I've raised others as well"

Getting my certificate card out I offer it to her "I'm certified and have been raising them all my life I'd like to purchase it".

The woman frowns looking at it then nods "if you can get it ready for transport you can have it, I'd prefer that beast out of the shop".

Biting my tongue I nod grabbing her neck near her head not bothering with immobilizing her "relax beautiful, you're safe I'll get you out of her" I whisper before finding a transport case for her.

Getting her in I hand her to Hooch while grabbing the perch "we don't sell anything for snake familiars" she says glaring at the snake a moment.

"I'm well equipped to handle her at home" I say trying to keep my temper.

Handing my money over I freeze hearing her mutter about never should have accepted the snake from Dumbledore.

"Just so you know ma'am, that snake is a witch with a blood curse and if I'm correct she fought to stop Grindelwald her name is Nagini my grandmother had images of her, so she has understood everything you said next time you have exotic or questionable creatures, contact me so I can make sure they are not humans trapped like this one" I say sneering at her before walking out.

"Beeley" I call softly.

Seeing her pop up I smile at her "could you take Myrtle's perch home and my friend here?" I ask motioning to the snake.

She nods sending them off with a snap "Miss need anything else?"

"Not at the moment Beeley, I have to Christmas shop now but if I need you I'll call for you"

Once she leaves I glance around spotting a group of women talking at a table with bags, they have a glow about them and all are very beautiful with one giant "veelas" I say seeing Hooch looks dazed.

Rolling my eyes I grab her pulling her along "come on Fury, no pretty birds for you" I snark.

Fleur pov

Sitting down for a an early lunch with my family I laugh hearing Olympe arguing playfully with my supposed grandmother as our food is placed down.

Grabbing a piece of strawberry I eat it smiling at the descent of my adopted family joking with each other before a Black Phoenix lands on the table by me.

Looking at her I raise my brow seeing her head crest raise up then see her look at my food, chuckling I get her a piece offering it "young one's always think themselves starved" I tease as she eats it happily.

"Fleur, who's your friend?" Gabby asks holding out some food to her.

"She hasn't declared her name yet, but my child in a way" I answer stroking her chest.

"How?" My supposed mother asks.

"My Eternal brought her to fate and marked her as her child, I found her not long after and did the same"

"Have you met?"

"No, I've seen glimpses of her Phoenix and she's beautiful, but have yet to meet, we always just miss each other" I answer softly.

Looking around I frown seeing a girl pulling a woman with her and hear her tell the woman no pretty birds for you.

Tilting my head slightly I frown before shaking it off and focus on my family "what's wrong?" Gabby asks.

"A Fury got dazed by us, and her companion was pulling her away telling her no pretty birds for you" I answer chuckling hearing them laugh slightly.

"So if you're child names themselves what do you call her before she does?" Olympe asks.

"There are a few names but young one and eternal are the more common ones, however the parent that brought them to Fate tends to call them by the name they had before, as a way to enforce their memories take so they always remember who they were"

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