Reaching the Chamber I keep my true form singing softly, hearing movement I changed back keeping my eyes closed pulling cloth from my robes.

"Dracaena my dearest friend, allow me protect so I may gaze upon you without fear" I say.

Feeling something touch me I smile reaching out stroking her large head before covering her eyes with the cloth, opening mine I step back keeping my hand on her head "You've grown so much in these years" I say softly.

Feeling her press against me I wrap my arms around her kissing her "you are innocent of his crime, you are forgiven" I whisper.

"Allow me to change you so you may be with me for all your days" I add.

Seeing her move back I carefully make her smaller lifting her with my eyes closed, I place her in an unbreakable container closing it "fear not here you are safe contained within my tears you're gaze will not harm".

Watching her slither around her new home I smile seeing her eventually curl up resting "we will never be alone again" I whisper before heading up to reach my room.

Making it in I sit down placing her on my bedside table "I never knew my tears would curse you to live so long" I say softly.

Her head raises up looking at me  "we're all that's left, both of us out living those we love it's such a lonely life but now we can stay together without fear of being alone" I say before yawning.

A few days later

Getting up I carefully reach in the container petting Dracaena "Beeley will bring you food and check your water while I'm in class".

Closing it I leave the room with my books walking past my housemates to the Great Hall.

Sitting down I grab some fruit and slowly eat, once finished I leave seeing more students coming in, heading to the Potions lab I sit down getting set up.

Eventually the class comes in and the Professor finally stalks in blowing the door open giving a speech about what he can teach us if we have the gift of the art of potion making.

Watching him I raise my brow as he looks over the class with a bored look, but his eyes catch my attention he looks lost and sad.

Starting the potion I carefully change the steps as needed to make it correctly, feeling eyes on me I glance up quickly seeing him watching me closely.

Doing the last step I smirk glancing at him while carefully pricking my finger, letting a drop of blood land in it and hearing a poof I set back down putting my finger in my mouth so no sees how fast I heal.

Hearing a sizzling sound I turn quickly putting a containment spell over a cauldron before it blows up "imbecile" I mutter softly.

Turning back to my potion I dispince it to my vials handing one in but keeping the rest.

Hearing the chimes signaling the end of class I start backing up slowly while the rest rush to get out, standing up I start cleaning my cauldren properly before carefully place my equipment in its container.

"Why do you use such old equipment?" He asks picking up one of my vials looking at it.

"They are family heirlooms been passed down since Rowena's daughters this belonged to Helena" I say tapping the cauldren "gifted to her at 6 by Salazar himself".

"Nothing gifted to your grandmother?" He asks raising a brow.

Nodding I lift my necklace "amber containing the scale and shell belonging to his pet Basilisk, she helped hatch it the scale came later after it was injured fighting a mountain troll that almost crushed her, I was told she had Phoenix tears and used them to heal the snake".

Putting my cauldren up I close my case ignoring the vial he has in his hand, turning I take a few steps but stop "that Potion in your hand, just two drops on a scar or mark from dark magic and it causes it to bleed out of the skin leaving behind clean unblemished skin it's in a book the founders wrote together".

Walking out I close the door shaking my head before finding a cat limping I frown squatting down clicking my tongue at it.

Getting it to let me touch it I carefully lift it up petting it's head "it's okay let me see" I say gently.

Glancing around I see it's clear and cast a detection spell on it seeing it's a broken leg, feeling the spot I carefully hold it in place and heal it.

Petting it again to calm it I smile when it does "you'll be sore for a few days" I say softly before finding a Slytherin tag on its collar.

"Let's get you back to your human" I add before walking to their house entrance.

Reaching it I knock waiting for someone to answer, the door swings open and I see a boy frowning at me before looking at the cat backing away from it "I'm looking for thier human, this sweetheart got hurt in the halls".

He nods before glancing back "Parkinson, it's for you" he calls walking away.

Seeing the girl come up I offer the cat to her "they got hurt in the hall and maybe sore for a few days" I say again.

She nods cradling her cat like a baby kissing her head, I turn walking away heading for my next class.

Free hour before dinner

Sitting outside with Dracaena charmed to look like a different type of snake and her blindfold invisible I smile stroking her head as she sunbathes happily.

"Hey, Ravenclaw"

Looking up I see Parkinson coming over with a few other girls that stop a few steps away, she opens her mouth to speak before seeing Dracaena "you have a snake?" She asks.

Nodding I look to Black lake "yes, I helped her hatch and couldn't leave her behind" I answer.

"Their not approved familiars" she says frowning.

"Technically they are extremely rare familiars but since I have a true familiar bond with her, legally they had to let me bring her I just have to make sure she doesn't cause problems and she's only allowed out of her cage with me" I answer.

"But a snake?" She says sounding confused.

"You can't control or choose a true familiar, they pick you" I say looking at her frowning "did you need something?"

"Thanks for helping Shadow" she says before walking away.

Once alone I sigh shaking my head "I don't think I'll ever understand humans not from home" I mutter.

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