| CHAPTER 20 |

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I closed the gate of Ruhanika’s house and was heading home, whistling a tune

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I closed the gate of Ruhanika’s house and was heading home, whistling a tune. As I walked away, I saw Prisha Di standing by the gate, talking to herself and grinning oddly. She looked really weird.

I thought, "meri dii pagal hu chuki hain"

(My sister must have lost her mind)

"What’s going on, Di? Have you been possessed by a ghost or something?" I asked as I walked back to her.

She was on the other side of the gate.

"Pata nhi" (I don’t know) she said, still smiling weirdly at her phone. Her behavior was so strange it made me nervous.

She is indeed possessed.

I ran back into the house and went straight to the kitchen. I gave my mom recipe book.

I knew she probably wouldn’t use it again after today.

I had a feeling that soon our kitchen would be a mess.

"Here’s your recipe book, Mom," I said, handing it to her.

"Thanks, Vihu. Just wait and see. You’re going to love the dish I’m cooking today!" she said cheerfully and started getting the ingredients ready.

I hoped whatever she was making would actually turn out okay.

I went to my room and lay down on my bed. Even though the evening had been strange, I felt a strange kind of happiness and calm.

I got up, walked over to the cupboard, and took out my guitar. I tried to play a few tunes, but I wasn’t very good at it.

As I played, I felt jittery and restless.

I closed my eyes and thought about Ruhanika’s hazel brown eyes, which always seemed to make me lose focus. I remembered her childhood photo and how cute she looked back then.

Ahh I need to remove her from my mind.

I tried to concentrate on studying to get my mind off her. I thought if I studied hard, I could stop thinking about her. I felt like I had been studying for hours, but when I checked the clock, only 20 minutes had passed.

What? How can I be tired after just 20 minutes?" I wondered.

With determination, I sat back down and finished my revisions.

But soon, I got bored again.

Why does this rotational motion feel like it’s giving my brain a torque overload? I’m starting to think my mind’s inertia has reached its limit and just refuses to work

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