Spoke: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan.
Ash: We could attack them with hummus.
Spoke: I stand corrected.
Ash: Just keeping things in perspective.
Jepexx: Could you be anymore annoying?
Mapicc: Yes.
Rekrap: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions?
Spepticle: Put spaghetti in it.
Rekrap: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you.
Ash: Put spaghetti in it.
Rekrap: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two.
Clown: Put spaghetti in it.
Rekrap: I am no longer taking suggestions.
Subz, playing a video game: How do I play?
*Subz has drawn first blood!*
*Subz is on a killing spree!*
*Subz is on a rampage!*
*Subz is unstoppable!*
*Subz is dominating!*
*Subz is godlike!*
Subz: Don't worry guys, I figured it out.
Mapicc: *Holding up a picture of a seemingly young anime girl* WHO IS SHE?! IS SHE TWELVE?!
Vortex: No! She's a thousand years ol-
Mapicc: *Cocks shotgun*
Derapchu: I just found out that humans are capable of fitting a light bulb into their mouth with ease but can't take it out without shattering it, and now I have to physically restrain myself from putting a light bulb in my mouth.
Pentar: Being smart has never stopped me from being a complete fucking idiot.
Chief: Breaking News, Flame has disappointed us.
Zam: My only talent is being stress.
Jumper: Don't you mean stressed?
Zam: No.
Chief: Guys, Woogie is missing.
Pangi: Good.