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**Chapter 6: Uncle Wade and Uncle Logan Visit**

Natasha was in the middle of trying to coax Baby Steve into taking a nap when she heard a loud, obnoxious knock on the front door of Stark Tower. It was more of a pounding, really—like someone was using their fist to drum out a wild, chaotic rhythm. She winced, knowing immediately who it was.

With a resigned sigh, she carefully placed Steve in his crib, giving him one last soothing pat before heading to the door. The knocking continued, relentless and insistent, as if the person on the other side had no concept of patience. Or, more likely, just didn't care.

She opened the door to find exactly who she expected: Wade Wilson, better known as Deadpool, standing there with a grin plastered across his masked face. Behind him, Logan—aka Wolverine—stood with his arms crossed, looking as grumpy as ever.

"Uncle Wade and Uncle Logan have arrived!" Wade announced loudly, holding up a paper bag that was making suspiciously squishy sounds. "We brought snacks!"

Natasha raised an eyebrow, eyeing the bag with a mix of curiosity and dread. "Please tell me those are actual snacks and not... whatever else you usually carry around."

Wade's eyes crinkled in what she assumed was a smile under his mask. "Oh, come on, Nat! I'm insulted! I only brought the finest baby-approved snacks money can buy. Probably."

Logan grunted, stepping past Wade and into the tower. "You're lucky I agreed to come with this idiot," he muttered, glaring at Natasha. "If I'd known there were actual babies involved, I would've stayed in Canada."

Natasha gave him a knowing smirk. "You know you can't resist visiting the 'nephews,' Logan."

"Yeah, yeah," Logan grumbled, but she caught the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

Wade, meanwhile, had already bounded into the living room, eager to meet the mini-Avengers. "Where are my little munchkins?" he called out, his voice dripping with exaggerated sweetness.

As if on cue, Baby Tony waddled over to Wade, curious about the strange, red-suited man who had just invaded his territory. Wade crouched down to Tony's level, pulling out a shiny red apple from the paper bag.

"Hey, little Iron Man!" Wade cooed, holding the apple out to Tony. "I brought you something to munch on. It's red, just like your future suit! Isn't that cute?"

Tony reached out and grabbed the apple, inspecting it carefully before taking a tentative bite. He looked up at Wade with wide eyes, clearly unsure of what to make of this new visitor. Wade, for his part, seemed absolutely delighted.

Logan, now standing beside Natasha, rolled his eyes. "You sure it's safe to let that nutjob around the kids?"

Natasha shrugged, watching as Wade offered Baby Clint a bright orange carrot. "He's surprisingly good with kids. And besides, they could use a little bit of chaos. Keeps them on their toes."

Logan snorted, but his attention was quickly drawn to Baby Steve, who had just woken up from his brief nap and was now crawling toward them with an eager look on his face.

"Hey there, soldier," Logan said, his voice softening in a way that Natasha had rarely heard. He knelt down, holding out his arms as Steve crawled right into them, clinging to Logan's shirt with tiny hands.

Natasha smiled at the sight. Despite his gruff exterior, Logan had a soft spot for Steve. Maybe it was because they shared a similar history, both having been through wars and come out the other side stronger—and maybe a little bit broken.

Wade, meanwhile, was in full entertainer mode. He had somehow managed to gather all the babies around him, and was now performing an impromptu puppet show with the snacks he'd brought. Thor was waving his stuffed hammer excitedly, clearly enthralled by the spectacle, while Bruce and Clint watched with rapt attention.

"And then the big, bad apple said, 'I'm going to roll over all of you!'" Wade narrated, rolling the apple across the floor with dramatic flair. The babies giggled, reaching out to catch the apple as it rolled by.

Logan watched the scene with a bemused expression. "You know, he's actually not half bad at this," he admitted grudgingly.

"Don't tell him that," Natasha said, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. "It'll only encourage him."

As if hearing her, Wade looked up with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh, Nat, I don't need encouragement! I'm a natural-born entertainer!" He wiggled his fingers at her playfully. "Come on, you know you want to join in. We could do a duet! How about 'Itsy Bitsy Spider'? I'll be the spider, you be the rain!"

Natasha rolled her eyes, but couldn't help the small smile that tugged at her lips. "I think I'll pass, Wade."

"Your loss!" Wade said with a dramatic sigh, turning back to the babies. "But don't worry, kiddos, Uncle Wade's got enough energy for all of us!"

As the morning turned into afternoon, the chaos in Stark Tower reached new levels. Logan, despite his earlier reluctance, found himself fully engaged with the babies. He ended up being Steve's personal jungle gym, lifting him up and letting him "fly" around the room to the little guy's squeals of delight.

Bruce, who had taken a special liking to Logan, clung to his leg for most of the visit, occasionally letting out soft giggles whenever Logan pretended to be a bear and growled playfully at him. Natasha could see a faint smile on Logan's face whenever he looked down at Bruce, and she made a mental note to remind Bruce of this later, once he was back to his adult self.

Wade, of course, was in his element. He turned the living room into a circus, pulling out every trick he knew to keep the babies entertained. Whether it was juggling the snacks, making silly faces, or even doing a ridiculous dance routine, Wade had the babies laughing and clapping their hands in delight.

"Alright, munchkins, time for the grand finale!" Wade announced, pulling out a small, harmless firework from his pocket. Natasha's eyes widened, and she stepped forward quickly.

"Wade, no explosives in the tower," she warned.

Wade pouted, but quickly replaced the firework with a glittery wand instead. "Fiiiiine. But only because you asked so nicely, Nat." He waved the wand over the babies' heads, sprinkling glitter that made them all squeal with delight.

As the afternoon wore on, Natasha found herself relaxing more than she had since this whole baby fiasco began. Logan and Wade, despite their very different personalities, had brought a sense of levity to the situation that she hadn't realized she needed.

Finally, as the sun began to dip low in the sky, it was time for Wade and Logan to head out. Wade scooped up Baby Tony, giving him a playful kiss on the cheek before handing him back to Natasha.

"Don't grow up too fast, you little genius," Wade said with a wink. "And remember, if you ever need a babysitter, Uncle Wade's got your back."

Logan, meanwhile, gently placed Baby Steve back in his crib, giving him a soft pat on the back before stepping away. "Take care, soldier," he murmured, his voice gruff but affectionate.

Natasha walked them to the door, holding Baby Clint in her arms as the others watched from the living room. "Thanks for coming by," she said, her tone sincere. "It was... actually helpful."

Logan grunted in acknowledgment, while Wade gave her a mock salute. "Anytime, Nat! Just call if you need more of my amazing services!"

With that, they headed out, leaving Natasha with a slightly quieter tower and a bunch of worn-out babies who were now ready for their afternoon naps.

As she settled them all down, she couldn't help but smile at the memory of the day's events. Uncle Wade and Uncle Logan might be a bit unorthodox, but they'd brought some much-needed fun into the tower—and for that, Natasha was grateful.

As she finally sat down to catch her breath, she realized that, no matter how chaotic things got, she had a team—no, a family—that would always have her back. And that made everything, even the craziest of days, worth it.

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