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**Chapter 10: The Arrival of the Baby Teen Titans**

The Hero Daycare had just settled into a peaceful lull. Baby Batman was snuggled up in his crib after his earlier cookie tantrum, Baby Superman was quietly playing with blocks, and the rest of the super-babies were content and engaged in various activities. Lois Lane finally had a moment to catch her breath, grateful that the day had calmed down after the morning's excitement.

But in a world full of superpowered toddlers, peace was always fleeting.

Just as Lois was about to sit down with a well-deserved cup of coffee, the front door of the daycare burst open with a sudden, dramatic flair. A gust of wind whooshed in, sending papers fluttering off desks and toys scattering across the floor. Lois looked up, startled, and was met with the sight of five new faces—each one a miniature version of the Teen Titans.

The leader of the group, Baby Robin, stood at the forefront, his tiny cape fluttering behind him as he struck a determined pose. He had the same intense, focused look that Lois had come to associate with his older counterpart, and even as a baby, he exuded a sense of authority.

Right behind him was Baby Starfire, her bright orange skin and glowing green eyes standing out against her purple onesie. She floated just above the ground, her tiny hands clasped together in excitement as she took in her new surroundings. Next to her, Baby Raven hovered quietly, her hood pulled low over her face as she clutched a stuffed raven toy to her chest, her expression calm but curious.

Baby Beast Boy was the most animated of the bunch, already shifting between different animal forms in rapid succession—a tiny green kitten, a chirping bird, and then a wiggling green puppy, his little tail wagging furiously as he barked with excitement. Baby Cyborg brought up the rear, his mechanical parts gleaming as he toddled in, his eyes wide with wonder as he scanned the room with his enhanced vision.

Lois blinked in surprise, trying to process the sudden arrival of the Baby Teen Titans. She hadn't been expecting any new arrivals, let alone an entire team of them!

"Hello?" Lois called out tentatively, stepping forward to greet them. "Are you the Teen Titans?"

Baby Robin gave her a sharp nod, his expression serious as he sized up the daycare. "Yes," he said in a high-pitched, but authoritative voice. "Titans... go!"

His declaration sent the other Baby Titans into immediate action. Baby Starfire zoomed around the room in a blur of orange and purple, giggling with delight as she explored every corner. Baby Beast Boy transformed into a green monkey and started swinging from the play structures, chattering happily. Baby Cyborg found a pile of building blocks and immediately started constructing something with meticulous precision, while Baby Raven floated over to a quiet corner, her large eyes observing everything from beneath her hood.

Lois watched the chaos unfold, a mix of amusement and mild alarm on her face. These new arrivals were certainly full of energy, and it was clear that they were used to operating as a team—even if that team was now made up of toddlers.

Before Lois could intervene, Baby Starfire zipped over to where Baby Superman was playing with his blocks. She landed beside him and tilted her head curiously, her glowing green eyes fixed on the stack he was building.

"Blocks?" she asked, her voice sweet and inquisitive.

Baby Superman looked up at her, surprised by the sudden appearance of this new, brightly colored baby. He nodded slowly, then offered her one of the blocks with a shy smile.

Baby Starfire's face lit up with joy. "Friend!" she declared, taking the block and immediately starting to build her own tower beside his. The two of them quickly fell into an easy rhythm, working side by side as they built a towering structure together.

Meanwhile, Baby Beast Boy had transformed into a tiny green elephant and was playfully nudging Baby Clint, who was still munching on the remains of his cookie. Baby Clint giggled and reached out to pet the elephant's trunk, clearly amused by the antics of his new friend.

Baby Cyborg, having finished his block creation, turned his attention to Baby Tony, who was examining one of the daycare's toy gadgets with intense concentration. Baby Cyborg toddled over and held out his mechanical hand in greeting, a small smile on his face.

"Play?" Baby Cyborg asked, his voice warm and friendly.

Baby Tony looked up, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of Baby Cyborg's shiny metal parts. He grinned and immediately handed over the gadget, clearly excited to have a new playmate who shared his interest in all things tech.

As the babies paired off and started playing together, Lois felt a wave of relief. Despite the initial chaos, it seemed like the Baby Titans were fitting in perfectly with the rest of the group. The daycare was soon filled with the sounds of laughter, babbling, and the occasional burst of superpower-fueled excitement as the new arrivals settled in.

But of course, things couldn't stay peaceful for long.

Baby Robin, ever the vigilant leader, had been observing the room with a critical eye, making sure that everything was in order. But when he noticed that Baby Batman—his older counterpart's mentor—was napping peacefully in his crib, he immediately marched over, a determined look on his tiny face.

"Wake up!" Baby Robin commanded, reaching up to poke Baby Batman's arm. "Fight crime!"

Baby Batman, still groggy from his nap, blinked sleepily and let out a soft whine, clearly not in the mood to wake up. He rolled over, pulling his blanket over his head in an attempt to ignore the insistent poking.

Undeterred, Baby Robin climbed onto the edge of the crib and continued his efforts to wake his mentor. "No sleep! Fight!"

Lois hurried over, gently pulling Baby Robin away from the crib. "Robin, sweetie, Batman needs his rest," she explained softly. "He's had a busy day."

Baby Robin looked up at her with wide, determined eyes. "Crime... doesn't sleep," he insisted, his tiny fists clenched in conviction.

Lois couldn't help but smile at his seriousness. "You're right," she said, kneeling down to his level. "But even heroes need to rest sometimes, so they can be strong and ready for the next mission."

Baby Robin considered her words for a moment, his little brow furrowed in thought. Then, with a reluctant nod, he agreed to step back and let Baby Batman continue his nap.

Satisfied that the situation was under control, Lois guided Baby Robin over to the play area, where Baby Clint and Baby Beast Boy were now engaged in a playful tug-of-war over a stuffed arrow. Baby Robin immediately took charge, mediating the playful conflict with a level of authority that belied his small size.

As the Baby Titans integrated into the daycare, Lois found herself marveling at how quickly the new arrivals had found their place among the other super-babies. Each of them brought their own unique energy and personality to the group, and despite the occasional squabble or outburst, it was clear that they were all forming bonds with their fellow heroes.

By the end of the day, the Hero Daycare was filled with the sight of new friendships blossoming. Baby Starfire and Baby Superman were now inseparable, working together on a new block creation that towered above their heads. Baby Tony and Baby Cyborg were deep in conversation—at least, as deep as baby talk could get—while Baby Beast Boy and Baby Clint had joined forces to chase a toy ball around the room, both of them giggling uncontrollably.

Even Baby Raven, who had initially kept to herself, was now sitting quietly beside Baby Bruce, both of them content to simply observe the others from a distance.

As Lois watched the babies interact, she couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction. The Hero Daycare was more than just a place to keep these extraordinary children safe—it was a place where they could learn, grow, and form the bonds that would one day make them the heroes the world would need.

And with the Baby Titans now part of the mix, the daycare was more lively—and chaotic—than ever before.

But Lois wouldn't have it any other way.

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