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**Chapter 19: Baby Cody Rhodes and Baby Roman Reigns Fight Over the WWE Championship Belt**

The Hero Daycare was a flurry of activity as usual, with the babies engaged in their various games and adventures. The latest addition to the daycare's toy collection—a shiny, toy WWE Championship belt—had captured the attention of many little heroes. The belt, a prized possession among the toys, was now the center of attention.

Baby Cody Rhodes and Baby Roman Reigns, both dressed in their signature attire and brimming with competitive spirit, had taken an immediate interest in the belt. Baby Cody, with his characteristic blonde hair and determined expression, was proudly wearing the belt around his waist, his tiny chest puffed out in triumph.

Baby Roman Reigns, with his signature wrestling gear and a serious look on his face, eyed the belt with intense focus. He had been playing with the belt earlier but had left it unattended for a moment. When he saw Baby Cody with it, his competitive nature flared up.

"Hey, that's mine!" Baby Roman Reigns declared, his small voice filled with frustration. He reached out, trying to grab the belt from Baby Cody's waist.

Baby Cody, who was enjoying his moment of glory, pulled the belt closer and shook his head. "No way, Roman! I've got it now!"

The tension between the two babies escalated quickly. Baby Roman Reigns, feeling slighted and determined to reclaim what he felt was rightfully his, started to push Baby Cody. The playful pushing turned into a more aggressive confrontation, with Baby Roman Reigns using his tiny fists to try to snatch the belt away.

Baby Cody, feeling threatened, tried to hold onto the belt and fend off Baby Roman Reigns. The situation quickly turned into a scuffle, with Baby Roman Reigns hitting Baby Cody on the arm in an attempt to get the belt back.

Lois Lane, who had been observing from a distance, saw the escalating conflict and knew she needed to step in. She quickly moved to the scene, her heart racing as she approached the two wrestling babies.

"Roman, Cody, stop!" Lois called out, her voice firm but calm. She intervened, carefully separating the two babies and picking up Baby Cody to comfort him. "We need to use our words and not resort to hitting. Let's find a better way to handle this."

Baby Cody, who had started to cry from the hit, was comforted by Lois. She gently wiped his tears and spoke soothingly. "It's okay, Cody. You're safe now. We're going to make sure you feel better."

Baby Roman Reigns, still standing near the scene, looked down, realizing that his actions had gone too far. He watched as Baby Cody was comforted and started to feel a pang of guilt.

Natasha Romanoff, who had also been keeping an eye on the situation, approached Baby Roman Reigns with a serious but understanding look. "Roman, hitting isn't the way to solve problems. You're going to need to go into timeout for a little while to think about what happened."

Baby Roman Reigns, though visibly upset, nodded and allowed himself to be guided to the timeout area by Natasha. He sat down in the soft corner, his tiny shoulders slumped as he thought about what had transpired.

Lois continued to comfort Baby Cody, who was gradually calming down. She made sure he was settled with a few favorite toys and was surrounded by friends who could offer support. Baby Cody's tears eventually subsided, and he began to play with the toys provided by Lois.

As Baby Roman Reigns sat in timeout, he watched the other babies playing and interacting, feeling a mix of remorse and longing to join in. Natasha approached him after a few minutes, her tone gentle. "Roman, it's important to understand that we need to be kind and share with our friends. You need to think about how your actions affect others."

Baby Roman Reigns looked up at Natasha, his small face reflecting his understanding. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "I didn't mean to hurt Cody."

Natasha nodded, offering him a reassuring smile. "That's a good start. Remember, we need to be respectful and use our words. You can come out of timeout now, but let's try to be more considerate in the future."

Baby Roman Reigns slowly emerged from the timeout area, looking over at Baby Cody with a sincere expression. "Cody, I'm really sorry for hitting you. Can we be friends again?"

Baby Cody, still a bit wary but willing to move past the incident, looked at Baby Roman Reigns and nodded. "Okay, Roman. Let's just play nicely."

With the tension resolved, the babies gradually returned to their playtime activities. The WWE Championship belt was set aside for a moment, and the focus shifted to cooperative games and group activities.

Lois and Natasha worked together to ensure that the rest of the day was smooth and enjoyable for all the babies. They kept an eye on interactions, stepping in when necessary to guide and support the little heroes as they navigated their daily adventures.

As the evening approached and the babies began to wind down, the Hero Daycare once again found its peaceful rhythm. The incidents of the day had been addressed, and the little heroes were ready to settle into their bedtime routines.

Lois and Natasha took a moment to reflect on the day's events, feeling a sense of accomplishment in managing the various challenges and ensuring that the daycare remained a positive and nurturing environment. They knew that each day brought new adventures and learning opportunities, and they were prepared to face whatever the next day would bring.

As the sun set and the room grew quiet, the Hero Daycare was filled with the soft sounds of contented babies and the gentle glow of evening light, ready for a new day and the adventures it would bring.

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