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**Chapter 7: A Heroic Daycare Adventure**

Natasha awoke the next morning to the usual symphony of baby noises echoing through Stark Tower. Baby Steve was babbling softly in his crib, Baby Tony was already up and about, tinkering with whatever he could get his little hands on, and Baby Clint was busy trying to scale the side of his crib, determined to break free. Baby Bruce was still snuggled up in his blanket, while Baby Thor was, unsurprisingly, gnawing on his stuffed hammer.

As much as Natasha loved her mini-Avengers, she was starting to feel the exhaustion set in. A break was desperately needed, but finding someone capable of handling this level of chaos wasn't exactly easy.

Fortunately, she had a plan.

After ensuring that all the babies were fed, changed, and relatively content, Natasha began packing a large diaper bag with everything they might need for the day. Extra diapers, wipes, snacks, toys—it was like preparing for a military operation, and in a way, it was.

When everything was finally ready, she gathered the babies together and herded them toward the elevator.

"Alright, team," she said as they rode down to the ground floor. "We're going on a little field trip today. You're going to meet some new friends, and I'm going to get a break."

The elevator doors slid open, and Natasha led the babies out to the car that was waiting to take them to their destination. She buckled them all into their car seats with practiced efficiency and then slid into the driver's seat, feeling a mixture of relief and anticipation.

Their destination: the Hero Daycare, run by none other than Lois Lane.

The idea of a daycare specifically for superhero babies might have sounded ridiculous to anyone else, but given the circumstances, it made perfect sense. Lois had stepped up to run the place after a mysterious incident had temporarily turned members of the Justice League and the X-Men into toddlers as well. Since then, it had become a haven for any pint-sized heroes in need of a safe place to stay.

Natasha had heard great things about the daycare—how Lois managed to keep everything running smoothly, even with a room full of superpowered babies. If anyone could handle her little Avengers, it was Lois.

When they arrived at the daycare, Natasha was greeted by the sight of a large, colorful building with a welcoming sign that read "Hero Daycare." The front yard was filled with play structures and toys, and Natasha could already see a few familiar faces in the distance.

She parked the car and started unbuckling the babies, who were all eager to explore this new environment. As she approached the entrance, the door swung open, and Lois Lane herself stepped out to greet them.

"Natasha!" Lois called out with a warm smile. "Welcome! I'm so glad you brought your little team over. They're going to fit right in."

Natasha returned the smile, feeling a wave of relief wash over her. "Thanks, Lois. I wasn't sure if you'd be able to handle them all, but I've heard you've got plenty of experience with this sort of thing."

Lois laughed, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You could say that. We've got a few of our own little troublemakers inside, but don't worry—we'll keep your Avengers safe and sound."

As they stepped inside, Natasha was immediately struck by how well-organized the daycare was. The walls were decorated with bright, cheerful murals depicting various superheroes in their iconic poses, and the floor was covered in soft mats to cushion any falls. There were toys and games scattered about, and a large play area where the babies could crawl, toddle, and explore to their hearts' content.

But what really caught Natasha's attention were the other babies.

Baby Superman was flying—well, more like floating—just above the ground, his tiny cape fluttering behind him as he giggled and reached out for one of the hanging mobiles. Baby Wonder Woman was sitting quietly in a corner, chewing on a toy lasso. Baby Batman was toddling around, his miniature cowl slightly askew as he clutched a stuffed bat. And there, in another corner, were Baby Cyclops and Baby Jean Grey, the former staring intently at a puzzle while the latter levitated a set of blocks in the air.

Natasha took it all in, impressed by how Lois managed to keep everything so controlled, despite the extraordinary powers of her charges.

"Wow," Natasha said, turning to Lois. "This is... amazing. How do you manage it?"

Lois shrugged modestly. "It's all about routine and keeping them engaged. They're like any other kids—they just need a little extra attention, that's all."

Natasha set her own babies down in the play area, watching as they eagerly joined in with the other super-babies. Baby Tony immediately gravitated toward Baby Batman, both of them fascinated by a set of toy cars that beeped and flashed. Baby Thor, seeing Baby Superman floating above, reached up toward him with an expression of awe, his little fingers grasping at the air. Baby Clint was already eyeing the various climbing structures with a mischievous glint in his eye.

But it was Baby Bruce who surprised Natasha the most. He usually stayed close to her, shy and reserved, but here, he seemed at ease. He crawled over to where Baby Jean Grey was playing and sat down beside her, his eyes fixed on the floating blocks with a look of wonder. Jean, sensing his interest, giggled and telekinetically passed a block to him, which he grabbed with a delighted squeal.

Natasha's heart softened at the sight. Maybe this was exactly what Bruce—and the rest of them—needed. A place where they could just be kids, even if only for a little while.

"Looks like they're settling in already," Lois observed with a smile. "Why don't you take a break? Go get some coffee, take a nap—whatever you need. We've got things under control here."

Natasha hesitated for a moment, her protective instincts warring with her own need for rest. But seeing how happy and engaged the babies were, she knew Lois was right.

"Thank you, Lois," Natasha said, her gratitude clear in her voice. "I'll take you up on that."

Lois waved off her thanks with a smile. "Anytime. They're in good hands."

As Natasha left the daycare, she couldn't help but glance back one last time. The sight of Baby Thor and Baby Superman playing together, Baby Tony and Baby Batman engaged in their toy car race, and Baby Bruce laughing with Baby Jean Grey filled her with a sense of peace. For the first time in days, she felt like she could truly relax.

And with Lois Lane at the helm, she knew the babies would be more than okay. They were going to have the time of their lives at the Hero Daycare, surrounded by new friends and plenty of adventures.

As Natasha walked away, she allowed herself a rare moment of contentment. The mini-Avengers were safe, happy, and in the care of someone who understood just what it took to handle a room full of extraordinary children.

And for that, she was incredibly thankful.

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