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**Chapter 11: The Baby Guardians of the Galaxy Start Trouble with Baby Aquaman**

The Hero Daycare had become a bustling hub of activity. With the addition of the Baby Teen Titans, the room was filled with even more giggles, chatter, and the occasional burst of superpower. Each day brought new adventures, but today promised to be particularly eventful.

Lois Lane was busy preparing snack time when the daycare's front door swung open with a dramatic crash. In walked the Baby Guardians of the Galaxy—Baby Star-Lord, Baby Gamora, Baby Drax, Baby Rocket, and Baby Groot—each of them bringing their own brand of intergalactic mischief to the mix.

Baby Star-Lord, with his signature red jacket and goofy grin, was leading the charge. Baby Gamora followed close behind, her tiny green fingers already reaching for any toy in sight. Baby Drax stomped in with a serious expression, while Baby Rocket, always energetic, darted around the room, and Baby Groot wobbled along, his small, leafy head bobbing as he took in the surroundings.

The Baby Guardians' entrance was quickly followed by a commotion. Baby Aquaman, who had been playing with a set of toy sea creatures in a quiet corner, looked up in surprise as the Guardians charged into the play area.

Baby Star-Lord immediately spotted Baby Aquaman and, with a mischievous grin, shouted, "Hey, Aquaman! Let's see what you've got!"

Baby Aquaman, who was known for his calm and collected demeanor, looked up with wide eyes, clearly taken aback by the sudden attention. "What's happening?" he asked, his tiny voice tinged with confusion.

Baby Rocket zoomed over, grabbing one of Baby Aquaman's toy sea creatures and examining it with exaggerated interest. "Whoa, what's this thing?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe and curiosity.

Baby Groot, not one to be left out, wandered over and started fiddling with the toy sea creatures as well, his tiny hands working with an adorable determination.

Baby Aquaman's face flushed with frustration as he watched the Guardians start to take over his play area. He stood up, his little fists clenched. "Hey! Those are mine!" he protested, reaching for the toys.

But Baby Star-Lord was already in the middle of the action. With a dramatic flair, he grabbed a toy trident from Baby Aquaman's collection and held it up triumphantly. "Look at me! I'm the king of the sea!" he declared, his voice echoing with playful arrogance.

Baby Gamora, ever the fierce one, joined in by grabbing another toy, while Baby Drax simply stood in the background, his tiny eyes watching with a serious expression.

Baby Aquaman's frustration quickly turned to tears. He tried to grab his toys back, but Baby Rocket, who was still darting around with boundless energy, was too quick. "Give it back!" Baby Aquaman cried, his voice trembling.

Lois, who had been watching the unfolding chaos with a mix of concern and amusement, stepped in. She hurried over to the group, gently picking up Baby Rocket and Baby Groot, who had been playing with the toys, and setting them down. "Alright, everyone, let's calm down," she said firmly.

Baby Star-Lord, seeing Lois's intervention, let out a dramatic sigh and dropped the toy trident. "Fine, fine. But we were just having some fun."

Lois turned her attention to Baby Aquaman, who was still sniffling in the corner. She knelt down beside him, wrapping him in a comforting hug. "It's okay, Arthur," she said softly. "The Guardians didn't mean to upset you. They were just curious."

Baby Aquaman, still a bit teary, looked up at Lois with wide, hurt eyes. "But they took my toys," he said quietly.

Lois nodded, understanding his frustration. "I know, sweetie. And it's important to share, but it's also important to respect each other's things. Let's talk to the Guardians and make sure everyone gets a turn."

She walked over to Baby Star-Lord, who was now playing with Baby Groot and Baby Drax. "Hey, Star-Lord, could we have a word?"

Baby Star-Lord looked up, his mischievous grin fading as he noticed the serious look on Lois's face. "What's up, Lois?"

Lois gestured to Baby Aquaman, who was still watching from the corner. "Arthur's upset because his toys were taken. It's important to ask before playing with someone else's things, okay?"

Baby Star-Lord looked over at Baby Aquaman and immediately felt a pang of guilt. "Oh, I'm sorry, Aquaman," he said, his voice sincere. "We didn't mean to upset you. We just wanted to play."

Baby Gamora and Baby Rocket, who had been listening, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we were just curious," Baby Rocket added, his voice softening.

Baby Groot, ever the peaceful one, held out one of the toy sea creatures to Baby Aquaman with a friendly smile. "Groot," he said softly, offering the toy as a gesture of goodwill.

Baby Aquaman's tears began to dry as he saw the sincere apology and the gesture of friendship. He cautiously reached out and took the toy, his little face brightening with a shy smile. "Thank you," he said quietly.

Lois smiled and patted Baby Aquaman on the back. "See, it's all better now. Everyone's here to have fun together, and that means sharing and respecting each other."

With the tension eased, the play area soon returned to its usual lively atmosphere. Baby Aquaman and Baby Star-Lord, who had been the center of the earlier conflict, were now playing side by side, with Baby Star-Lord making up games that involved both their favorite toys. Baby Gamora and Baby Drax joined in, and even Baby Rocket and Baby Groot found a way to be part of the fun.

As the babies played together, Lois took a moment to watch with a contented smile. The Hero Daycare was indeed a place of adventure and excitement, but it was also a place where they could learn valuable lessons about friendship, sharing, and working together.

And while the arrival of the Baby Guardians of the Galaxy had certainly shaken things up, it had also brought new opportunities for growth and connection. In the end, it was these moments of resolution and understanding that made the daycare truly special.

As the sun began to set and the room started to wind down, Lois knew that tomorrow would bring new adventures and new challenges. But for now, she was happy to see the babies getting along, their laughter and joy filling the daycare with a sense of harmony and camaraderie.

And with that thought, she prepared for the evening's quiet time, ready to help her little heroes get ready for another day of fun and learning ahead.

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