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**Chapter 17: Baby Trunks and Baby Gohan's Play Fight**

The Hero Daycare was abuzz with activity as usual. The babies had enjoyed a fun-filled morning of games and playtime, and now they were settling into their afternoon routines. Baby Trunks and Baby Gohan had started an energetic play fight near the soft play area, their laughter and playful shouts filling the room.

Baby Trunks, with his signature purple outfit and playful grin, was engaging in a mock battle with Baby Gohan, who wore his characteristic orange gi. They were pretending to be mighty warriors, their tiny hands and feet moving in exaggerated, harmless punches and kicks.

Baby Gohan giggled as he blocked one of Baby Trunks' playful attacks, his small face lit up with excitement. "You're not going to beat me, Trunks!" he said, his voice full of enthusiasm.

Baby Trunks responded with a dramatic, playful lunge, pretending to use a special move. "Oh yeah? How about this?"

The play fight continued with high spirits, and for a while, it seemed like just another fun game. However, Baby Broly, who had been quietly playing with his blocks, started to become increasingly agitated by the commotion.

Baby Broly, with his green hair and small, serious expression, watched the playful fight with growing frustration. His tiny hands clenched into fists as he observed the loud noises and the physical interactions between Baby Trunks and Baby Gohan. He was not used to the noise and intensity, and it made him feel uneasy.

As Baby Trunks and Baby Gohan continued their playful antics, Baby Broly's agitation turned into outright distress. His face reddened, and he let out a loud, upset cry, clearly overwhelmed by the chaotic play.

Lois Lane, who had been keeping an eye on the babies, noticed Baby Broly's distress and quickly moved to intervene. She approached the area where Baby Trunks and Baby Gohan were playing. "Hey, you two, let's keep it down a bit," she said gently. "Broly is getting upset."

Baby Trunks and Baby Gohan paused their play fight and looked over at Baby Broly, who was now crying loudly. They both seemed to realize that their game had inadvertently caused distress to one of their friends.

Baby Trunks, with a look of concern, approached Baby Broly. "Sorry, Broly," he said softly, his playful demeanor replaced with genuine concern. "We didn't mean to upset you."

Baby Gohan, still standing nearby, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we were just playing. We didn't want to make you sad."

Lois gently picked up Baby Broly and held him close, soothing him with soft words and gentle pats. "It's okay, Broly. We're going to make sure you feel better."

Baby Broly's cries began to quiet as he was comforted by Lois. His tiny fists slowly relaxed, and he clung to Lois, finding solace in her embrace.

As Baby Broly calmed down, Baby Trunks and Baby Gohan looked on with a mixture of guilt and concern. They both approached Lois and Baby Broly, their faces reflecting their remorse.

Baby Trunks reached out with a small toy, offering it to Baby Broly. "Here, Broly. This is for you," he said, his voice soft and apologetic.

Baby Gohan, following suit, picked up another toy and held it out. "And here's one from me too. We're really sorry for making you upset."

Baby Broly looked at the toys and then at Baby Trunks and Baby Gohan. Though still a bit shaken, he accepted the toys with a small, appreciative smile. The kind gesture seemed to help him feel better, and his distress melted away.

Lois smiled at the display of empathy from Baby Trunks and Baby Gohan. "That's very kind of both of you. Remember, we need to be mindful of how our actions affect others, especially when they're feeling sensitive."

The two little warriors nodded, their expressions earnest. "We understand," Baby Trunks said, his voice determined to be more considerate in the future.

Lois gently set Baby Broly down, making sure he was surrounded by comforting toys and friends. "Why don't we all find a quiet game to play together? It might help everyone feel a bit more relaxed."

The babies agreed, and soon enough, the play area was filled with a new game that was more gentle and calming. Baby Trunks, Baby Gohan, and Baby Broly began to engage in a cooperative game of building blocks, with Baby Broly gradually joining in and enjoying the activity.

As the afternoon wore on, the Hero Daycare once again settled into a peaceful rhythm. The babies played together harmoniously, their earlier tensions replaced with smiles and laughter. Lois and Natasha, who had been observing from a distance, felt a sense of relief and pride as they watched the babies learn and grow through their interactions.

With the sun beginning to set and the babies winding down from their active day, Lois and Natasha prepared for the evening routine. They knew that the day had brought its challenges, but it was heartening to see the babies working through their emotions and finding ways to play together peacefully.

As the Hero Daycare quieted down, filled with the soft sounds of contented babies and the gentle glow of evening light, Lois and Natasha took a moment to reflect on the day's events. They were ready to face whatever the next day might bring, knowing that the Hero Daycare was a place of growth, learning, and friendship.

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