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**Chapter 16: Baby Vegeta Hits Baby Bulma**

The Hero Daycare had settled into its usual rhythm after the unsettling incident with Ash Williams. The babies were engaged in their daily activities, playing with toys and exploring new games. Lois Lane was busy preparing for the next activity, her eyes constantly scanning the room to ensure everything was running smoothly.

Baby Vegeta and Baby Bulma were playing near the toy area, each absorbed in their own world. Baby Vegeta was holding his beloved teddy bear, a soft, plush toy that seemed to be his constant companion. Baby Bulma, ever the curious inventor, had spotted the teddy bear and decided it would be fun to examine it up close.

As Baby Bulma reached for the teddy bear, Baby Vegeta's eyes narrowed. He was very protective of his toy and didn't want to share. "That's mine!" he said, his tiny voice firm as he pulled the bear closer.

Baby Bulma, trying to understand, reached out gently. "I just want to see it," she said, her voice soft and innocent.

But Baby Vegeta, feeling a surge of frustration, responded with a swift, unexpected swing of his tiny hand. His small fist made contact with Baby Bulma, causing her to cry out in surprise and pain.

The room erupted into chaos as Baby Bulma started to cry, her tears flowing freely. The other babies, including Baby Trunks, looked up with alarmed expressions. Baby Trunks immediately started to cry as well, his little face flushed with distress over the commotion.

Lois, hearing the upset cries, rushed over to the scene. Her heart ached as she saw Baby Bulma sobbing on the floor, while Baby Vegeta stood nearby with a mix of guilt and defiance.

"Vegeta," Lois said firmly, kneeling beside Baby Bulma and gently picking her up to comfort her. "That's not how we handle things. You need to learn to share and to use your words, not your fists."

Baby Vegeta looked down, his expression a mix of confusion and remorse. He was clearly struggling with his emotions but didn't fully understand the gravity of what he had done.

Lois glanced around, spotting Natasha Romanoff, who had come by to check in after the earlier incident. "Natasha, could you please help me with Vegeta?"

Natasha nodded and approached Baby Vegeta with a calm, yet authoritative demeanor. "Vegeta, you're going to go into timeout for hitting Baby Bulma. You need to think about what you did and learn from it."

Baby Vegeta, though still upset, complied and allowed himself to be guided to the timeout area. Natasha made sure he was safely situated in a small, soft corner of the room, where he could sit quietly and reflect on his actions.

As Baby Vegeta settled into timeout, Lois continued to comfort Baby Bulma, wiping her tears and speaking soothingly. "It's okay, Bulma. You're safe now. Let's get you a hug and some toys to distract you."

Baby Bulma sniffled but gradually calmed down with Lois's gentle care. The other babies, including Baby Trunks, were comforted by the presence of their caregivers and slowly returned to their own activities.

After a few minutes, Natasha approached Baby Vegeta, who was sitting quietly in timeout. "How are you feeling, Vegeta?" she asked gently.

Baby Vegeta looked up, his small face filled with remorse. "Sorry," he mumbled. "I didn't mean to hurt Bulma."

Natasha nodded, offering him a reassuring smile. "It's important to say sorry and to understand why what you did was wrong. We need to use our words and share with our friends."

Baby Vegeta nodded solemnly, his tiny shoulders slumping as he took in Natasha's words. "Okay," he said softly.

Lois approached as well, giving Baby Vegeta a supportive pat on the back. "You can come out of timeout now, but remember to be kind and share with your friends."

Baby Vegeta slowly walked over to where Baby Bulma was playing with some new toys. He looked at her with a shy expression, holding out the teddy bear. "I'm sorry, Bulma. Can I share my bear with you?"

Baby Bulma, still a bit cautious but eager to move past the incident, accepted the teddy bear with a small smile. "Thank you, Vegeta," she said softly.

Lois watched with a sense of relief as the two babies began to interact more positively. The other babies resumed their play, and the room's atmosphere began to return to its usual cheerful state.

Natasha and Lois exchanged a knowing glance, acknowledging the challenge of managing such a diverse group of little heroes. Despite the occasional conflicts and mishaps, it was heartening to see the babies learning and growing through their experiences.

As the day continued, Lois and Natasha worked together to ensure the daycare remained a positive and supportive environment for the babies. The incident with Baby Vegeta and Baby Bulma was a reminder of the ongoing need for patience and guidance in their care.

By the time the evening approached and the babies started winding down, the Hero Daycare had once again found its balance. The little heroes were settling into their routines, and Lois and Natasha were prepared to face whatever the next day might bring.

And as the sun set, casting a warm glow over the room, the Hero Daycare was filled with the comforting sounds of contented laughter and sleepy sighs, ready for a new day and the adventures it would bring.

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