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7 Days since Aizen's defeat

(S/N): You sure you don't want to rest some more? School can wait, you know...

(Y/N): Trust me, I'm feeling fine. Besides, I've been missing from school for a while... I need to catch up.

(S/N): Want me to help you get to school?

(Y/N): Nah, I'll be fine.

(S/N): If you say so... Make sure to come straight home after school alright?

(Y/N): What are you, my mother?

(S/N): Is this the attitude I get for being a caring little sister!? Fine, injure yourself some more, for all I care!

(Y/N): Relax, I was only teasing you. I'll come straight home after school.

(S/N) looked at Calavera.

(S/N): I'm counting on you to keep him in line.

Calavera: Roger that.

(Y/N) simply deadpanned.

(Y/N): Now that I think about it... Where's Wiz?

(S/N): Hm? Oh, she said she was going to take a look around the area. She still isn't familiar with Karakura Town.

(Y/N): I hope she doesn't get herself in any trouble...

(S/N): What do you mean?

(Y/N): She knows absolutely nothing about the World of the Living. She may accidentally break a law by accident. We did not teach her a single thing about how buying items and how currency works in the World of the Living. There's no telling if she understands what street lights mean, let alone how to cross a street.

(S/N): Psh... You worry too much. What would Wiz need to buy anyway?

(Y/N): Wiz is visiting a world she's probably never been to before. I'm sure something will catch her attention.

(S/N): I-I guess... but Wiz wouldn't be afraid of a few cars... I'm sure those massive explosions you guys throw out don't compare to a car.

(Y/N): Wiz isn't the problem. If a car hits her, the car would probably be decimated. Also jay walking would cause plenty of accidents!




(S/N): We've made a massive mistake...

(Y/N): *sign* I'll call Mr. Urahara and tell him to be on the lookout for Wiz...


(Y/N) got to the front gates of the school. (Y/N) walked to school by himself. Ichigo was still unconscious and he didn't tell his friends that he would be coming to school today. Now that he thought about it, (Y/N) wasn't sure if anyone involved in the Hueco Mundo rescue mission was at school either.

???: Is that you, (Y/N)?

(Y/N) turned around and saw Mizuiro.

(Y/N): Oh, Hey Mizuiro. Yeah, it's me...

Mizuiro: Boy, am I glad to see you! Are you feeling okay?

(Y/N): Yeah. I'm a bit tired but I'm starting to feel good enough to go to school.

Mizuiro: That's good to hear. But man... Last week didn't feel real at all. What happened to that guy you and Ichigo were fighting?

(Y/N): I was actually thinking of gathering everyone at lunch to explain everything. Don't worry about him though, he's taken care of.

Bleach - The Grim Reaper (Male Reader Insert) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now