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I tie my hair with three bands into a sleek bun. I had nothing better to do today, I slug on my bed watching my phone.

I check my Instagram feed shocked to discover Tyler was in Woodlyn? My eyebrows furrow as I click to read more on the article.

"hey, ni. were going to the shops, wanna come?" keyan looks at me, he had his new set of clothes and shoes on. he saved up for with the money he had from being clean.

"I'm down" I grab a grey jumper to match my tracksuit pants and walk towards to door tieing my shoes.

me and keyan sit in the car as he plays music, it was kinda just there in the background for me,I was still invested in the article.

I bite on my lower lip as I scroll on my phone vicously reading the article. suddenly I thought to myself, I'm obsessed.

I put my phone down as I sigh and look out the window. I had a boyfriend. Stephen, but I wanted to know where Tyler was.

the last text I ever got from t was a simple and plain:

tyler: I'm moving to Seattle.

I never responded, I was jealous because of the articles I saw on him with Jessica Hale. I told him to go for his dreams, get someone who doesn't hold him back. That was Jessica, she was the opposite of me, polar. it made me wonder how T ever even liked me.

my mind was cluttered with thoughts , Tyler forget about me it had been 4 years of course. I finished school, I'm 22 and about to move out. so much happened to me, I wonder what happened with tyle- whatever.

my thought process came to a hult as keyan pulled over on the curb. I get out of my seat slamming the door accidentally
"damn, tense mf!" keyan laughs

I smirk while walking into the store, smirking at keyans prior statements.

"I'll shout but only one thing" he emphasized the one specifically.

"ok panda" we walk seperate ways as I creep into the candy isle, keyan pops out of nowhere looking too.

I fake punch Keyan while he takes multiple minutes to decide.

my ears perked up when I heard the song playing on the worn down speaker.

fantasy by Mariah Carey echos down the halls of the shop, my nose twitches as I feel the wind blow into the store.

I twirl around keyan while his bigbacked continued to look, I grab some peanut butter cups out of his hand.

"mah lovely boyfriendd" I sing it echoing down the store, we were like the only people in the store right now.

I see two tall silhouettes swifty creep past our isle in my pheriferal vision. funnily enough my eyes kept picking up on one of them, getting closer.

"keyan let's go home now!" I tug on him to let us go home now I whinge and whine.

"ok , ok I will pay" he smiles nudging me down the checkout.

later on at night

i was fresh out the shower, I had pj pants and a tight black tee. I suddenly feel a wave of confusion as an unknown number texted me

unknown number: hey, stranger.

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