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I wake up on the egde of my bed the blanket halfway off, my hair was a mess it was so gross.

I hadn't talked to Tyler in about 3 days, but I also hadn't talked to stephen. My mind needed some clearing. I just didn't want to be in this situation, in a way I wished Tyler didnt come back.

I check my instagram exploding with notifications and messages.

the girls groupchat🥴💕

tilly: girl, whats on my feed.. hop on the chat NEOW @ keibeiowenz

Zara: why, is Tyler back in town. and why are YOU kicking it w him



my brows furrowed as I wipe my eyes, what was on everyones page, my face froze for a second.

"what?" I audibly say in genuine confusion letting out a cough.

I click on a upload by a rap culture account, my thumbs scrolls leading me to see a article aswell as every odd future, Tyler the creator and music fanpages posting\talking about me?

'Odd future leader, Tyler the creator spotted with his rumoured ex-girlfriend Keilani Owens'

13x photos attached

A gasp escapes my mouth , I click on the images, hoping they weren't exposing in any sort of way.

I bite on my bottom lip scrolling through the photos. nothing incriminating, I was fine. But I didn't want my full name leaked with my face aswell.

My fingers move swiftly to the phone , calling Tyler, I wasn't furious but I was mad. I didn't want my name and what I look like on every Tyler page , EVER.

The phone dials only to the second ring before Tyler picks up, he was obviously in bed, without a shirt on. I couldn't help but notice my eyes wandered around his face.

"hey" he says groaning in his deep raspy morning voice that I loved.

"whats up with them pages leaking EVERYTHING about me" I ask my eyes widened.

"my bad, I'll tweet. Wanna kick it?" his face burrowed into the pillow.

"uhm..." I stutter thinking of an excuse, I only called to ask him about the leaking!

"no Sus, friends... beach? hella hot today" he smirks looking at me making me nervous

"alright, it is actually really hot today." I crack a smile, realising I folded once again

the calls ends , as soon as it does I sigh in relief and annoyance, I had to talk to stephen. It was so complicated, ugh I just wasnt going to.

Tyler , the dickhead: outside in 10, dont make me wait.

Tyler was always goofy but when it came to being on time, he was serious. Shit! I only had 10 minutes.

I look in my closet, Ultimately choosing between this olive green one. I apply Chapstick and Wear sunglasses.

I pout my lips adding more Chapstick. Then I grab my bags full of changes of clothes and other beach stuff.

The outside rings as Tyler beeps his car, I run out wanting to see which car he had today.

It was a Bimmer, an E30 to be exact, the one he said that he wrote songs about in his album, wolf. I think.

I smile, he winds the window down smiling back, his gold plated grillz, and his gapped tooth I fell in love with, but it didn't matter. I loved Stephen only stephen... right? 

"hey" i sit in the front seat with my green bikini on, he had green shorts in the exact same tone of olive.

"copier!" he says rolling his eyes

"ugh now I have to change!" I sound pissed off


"they already think we're dating Tyler! we can't match and go to the beach! might aswell make out Infront of there cameras!"

"that aint HORRIBLE actually....."

"Jessica.. still yo bitch"

"Shi i forgot my bad"

I giggle to myself as Tyler shakes his head looking at my laughing.

"stand up relationship!" the silence breaks as Tyler begins to speak


"just for today"

"no. I have a man"

"you still love me, why would you be wit me rn"

"as friends"

"with historyyyy" Tyler drags out the y trying to get a impactful effect, which DIDN'T work.

our hands slowly interlock, it felt so right. So comfortable, like i was a puzzle piece, and Tyler was the perfect one that fits.

I blush as I look down at our hands together ,the radio begins to play.

'loyal by Kendrick Lamar feat. Rihanna'

Tyler licks his lips looking over at me for a second,his eyes tracing over my thighs I blush looking through my peripheral vision

my phone lights up with a text

Stephen my baby💕: wya rn, ignore me for a whole damn week. ok.

I turn off my phone sighing in confusion of what the hell I was doing.

the radio plays.

Tell me who you loyal to ,Do it start with your woman or your man? Do it end with your family and friends?

Tyler and me look at eachother in realisation of what was happening, our hands let go.

I turn the radio off looking down biting my lip

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