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My head falls back as I crash into my bed, warm and comfortable. I was gonna go to sleep when Stephen texted you.

Stephen my lovee💕: yo be honest who dropped you off

Keilani: Just an old friend why?

Stephen my lovee💕: who.

Keilani: Tyler..

Stephen my lovee💕: your ex? man what.

Stephen my lovee💕:why r you in that niggas car dawg.

Keilani: nothing weird happed , deadset, I love you babe. if anything that carride made me love you and appreciate u more.

Stephen my lovee💕: ok baby I'm sorry! love you mamas.

Keilani: me too.

I smiled at my phone before falling asleep slowly again. When I woke up nobody was in the house.

I walk into my kitchen filling up a glass of water and stretching while drinking my water. I took a sip and it hurt my throat,
dammit I was getting sick.

I sniff my nose before walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I wanted to run errands. I scrunch my hair showing my curls, I had trackpants and a tight black tee on.

I twirl in the mirror spraying my perfume, suddenly realising I still had the jade necklace on that tyler gave to me. I hold the pendant close to my lips.

I inspect the pendant closer, the little word oknoma engraved on the side, I never noticed. My face flushes as a wave of emotion overcame me, all the anger pent up I forget how much, I really loved Tyler, really.

I walk away from my bathroom trying to shrug it off , but the though stayed in the back of my mind for the rest of the day.

I walk into the chemist looking for some panadol or some shit to help my cold.

I walk over to the counter purchasing my medicine. I feel the presence of a tall figure behind me.

"hey" the voice says behind me, I immediately recognised it. I turn around with my eyebrow raised.

"I'm sorry about yesterday" Tyler scratches the back off his head adjusting his hat.

"ok" I move aside in the queue Tyler buying his stuff while looking at me.

"I'm serious kei!" he says look at my with a new inhaler in his hand shoving it into his pocket.

"ok I'm not saying you aren't" I fix my hair looking up, my heart ached but I had a bf he moved on, he didn't love me anymore, I constantly reminded myself.

his facial expressions softened as he looked at me, I begin to walk away into another aisle when Tyler grabs my arm.

"just come w me will work it out" Tyler smiles with a glint in his eyes. he licks his lips as he leads me around the corner.

He lead me to the old ice-cream shop in the shopping pennisula, I smiled as he sits me down and walks over to the counter.

I sit in a pink and blue booth, still the same as always. I look around the store.

Tyler grins with chocolate in one hand and caramel in the other, he remembered.

He digs his spoon into a bowl while looking at me smiling, I was trying to act reserved but I couldn't, his smile was so contagious.

"so.." he looks around tapping his knee up and down, his knee was covered in ofwgkta tattoos, which made me smile, they were so stupid, everything he liked he just inked on.

I reminded myself, Tyler moved on he didnt love me anymore.

"How'd you meet Jessica?" I asked licking my spoon

"ion it was no strings attached but she stuck , it's complicated" he smiles at me.

"giving Tanya" I cough before looking away. smirking

"gosh man mood killer!" he begins to laugh his ass off

"maybe you just have a Type for stuck up bitches, there all your gfs" I laugh joining him.

he touches my hand tenderly, "nah not all of them" he licks his spoon aswell.

I jolt away from his touch, I had a boyfriend, but I needed Tyler if I ignored it, it would go away.

I clear my throat looking away from him. The mood shifted as soon as I jolted away.

my nose twitched while I looked away from him.

"what happened yesterday.." the tensions thickens between us.

"I don't know it was insensitive, I'm dead ass fucked for doing that." he groans lightly as he puts his face into his palms.

"you knew about keyan" I play with my necklace, Tyler's necklace.

"I know , I know. it was just a on time thing" he reassures me eyeing the necklace.

"guess what" I try to lighten the mood

"what?" he looks confused

"I got my drivers license" I grin at him

"up top!" our hands collide as they slowly interlocked, leaving us standing there holding hands.

"I have a boyfriend , Tyler you have a girlfriend." I bit my lip thinking of what I would even do.

"I will tear down that home" Tyler says looks at me the shop was empty, Nadia was gossiping in the back in Tagalog with her family.

our eyes were glued together,he titled his head, I loved the way Tyler looked at me, it felt better to how Stephen did, I loved Stephen but he'd always look at my body and feel it, with Tyler all eyes were on my face. Tyler grabs my face slamming our lips together.

"fuck , I missed us" Tyler says tounging down my face holding onto it tightly. I kiss back wrapping my arms around Tyler's neck.

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