[Chapter 3]

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    I followed the group of men down the street, sticking to dark corners and back alleys. Not only did I have to follow the men without being seen, I was also aware of my surroundings in case I ran into a demon. That wouldn't be a dead giveaway that I was there.

    Ahead of me, the men stopped under a streetlight, their figures illuminated by the dim ring of light. I could faintly hear their conversation.

    "We should split up. Clint, stay on the rooftops and keep an eye on the alleys. Stark, you keep watch from the sky. I'll stay on the streets. If you have the location of the Phantom or run into trouble, keep in touch with our communicators." The blond one said.

    Wait, they were looking for me? This instantly set me on alert and I strained to catch all of their conversation.

    "Why do you always get to call the shots, Cap?" The man with the beard complained. As the man he called 'Cap' was speaking, he had pulled a small metal cube from his pocket. Now, he pressed a button and it suddenly whirred to life, clicking as it grew and pressed itself to the man's body, creating a sort of metal suit. A helmet flipped over his face and a second later the front opened up so he could talk more easily.

    "Do you have any other ideas, Tony?" Cap replied.

    Tony, as in Tony Stark? I think I've heard of him before; I believe he's super rich and owns his own business. There may have been a mention of his name on TV sometime, but I can't remember.

    "Of course I have ideas. I am a genius, after all." His palms and feet lit up, matching the glowing circle in the center of his suit. His helmet flipped down and he flew into the sky, no doubt a result of his suit.

    Clint, who was the man wearing all black, and Cap walked further down the street. I crept behind them, curious as to where they were going and why they wanted to find me.

    They stopped in a dark side street and pulled a black duffel bag out from behind a pile of old boxes. Clint kneeled down and pulled out a quiver of arrows and a bow, slinging both over his back. I eyed them warily as he pulled something else out. A large metal disc glinted in the moonlight, displaying its red, white, and blue rings with a star in the center. A second later I realized it was a shield.

    "Here, Rogers." Clint handed the shield to his partner, who nodded in thanks.

    Rogers, it sounded like a last name. Cap was probably his nickname.

    "Be careful out there, Barton. Don't want to run into one of those.... things." With that, Clint climbed up a rickety set of stairs on the side of a building, and Rogers turned and started walking out of the alley, towards me.

    I quickly spread my wings, feeling them expand from in between my shoulder blades. The dark feathers softly glinted in the moonlight. Silently, I flew on top of the closest building and crouched, trusting the shadows to hide me. I watched as he walked out and down the street, going in the opposite direction of where I was. My eyes searched the darkness for Clint Barton (which I assumed was his full name) and saw him on the edge of an apartment building close to where I was. On further inspection I saw that his back was turned to me; he was standing at attention with an arrow notched in his bow.

    If they're looking for me, I'm not going to simply hide and wait to be found. I'm going to give them a hunt. I need to go in front of him into his line of view so I can go to the roof where I stashed the rest of my clothes, but I don't want to be seen. Not yet.

    I picked up a rusty nail that was lying on the roof, near my hand. Silently, I raised into the air and threw the nail at the metal railing he was leaning against on top of the roof.


    I quickly flew into the air, about thirty feet from the top of his head, and then quickly dove through the night. Thankfully a cloud had just covered the moon, meaning there was less of a chance I would be seen. I smirked as I looked back to see his head snapping from side to side, wondering where that noise came from.

    When I got to the rooftop where I had hidden my clothes, I quickly threw on my hoodie under my jacket then zipped them both up, not wanting my work uniform to be seen. I pulled on my black pants over the fishnet tights and shorts I was wearing, then a utility belt where I sheathed my daggers when I was the Phantom. I stuffed my glasses into a pocket inside of my jacket, then let my hair down, the loose ringlets covering my face. Pulling my hood up, I was now out of my disguise.

    Funny, you would think that when I'm in vigilante mode I would wear a disguise. But the Phantom is the real me, I just don't want anyone to know that I'm the Phantom.

    "No, I haven't seen anything yet. It's weird, even though it's one in the morning it's very quiet. I've only seen a few cars here and there."

    A voice from above me made me jump. It was the guy in the flying suit, Tony Stark. The front of his helmet was opened up as he floated lazily in the air.

    "Maybe we're not using the right strategy. For all we know, we could be scaring him away."

    I smirked at the 'him' part. It seemed as if no one had actually considered that the Phantom could be female.

    "Marco!" he yelled. His voice echoed through the night. He paused, waiting for a reply.

    Did he really just try to play Marco Polo?

    "Well, now we know that the Phantom doesn't like to play Marco Polo." He grinned mischievously. "Calm down, Steve. For all we know we could've gotten an answer."

    Steve. The corner of my mouth twitched into a small smile as I realized that I knew all of their names.

    "What was I supposed to do? I'm getting a bit bored."

    Well, I guess I have to make things a bit more interesting. Stealthily, I crept onto the rusted fire escape on the side of the building I was on. I then let out a long, low whistle.

    "Wait, did you hear that? It sounded like a whistle."

    As he moved towards my direction, I dropped into the alley below. I hid behind a corner and watched him. I wasn't going to escape until I knew what they wanted from me.

    I froze. He was getting closer to my position. I scolded myself for my stupidity and my curiosity. For all I knew, these people were in the League and had been sent to find me. Quickly assessing the man standing ten feet away from me, I found all of his weak points, though there were few. I eyed a small chink in his suit behind his knee. If I had to fight him and his helmet was down, I would try to stab him in the back of his knee, through the crack. Five feet away, he suddenly stopped and pressed a hand to his ear.

    "Clint, where are you? Wait, you want us to meet in an abandoned warehouse?" His sarcastic tone came out. "You know Cap's scared of the dark." He smirked then agreed. "Ok, maybe he'll come to us." His suit hummed as he took off.

    If I wanted to find out why they were here, it was now or never. Giving him about a thirty second head start, I took a deep breath and then rose into the air.

    I think I know which warehouse they're in, but it's a small comfort to the uneasy feeling I have swirling inside of me. I hope that when I go in, I'll come out.


A picture of Quinn's work uniform is on the side. Disclaimer: I made the image on Polyvore, so credit goes to Polyvore.

Dedicated to ItsAllinTheDark for editing this chapter!

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