[Chapter 10]

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    Well, that was fun, I thought dryly as I picked up my weapons from the table in the back room of the training center. At least now they know that I'm not to be messed with.

    "I'm guessing after Fury made you remove all of your weapons, you still had at least one, am I right?" Steve asked, watching me pick up my weapons.

    "Maybe, maybe not. You can decide for yourself."

    "Now that I think about it, the more I don't want to know how many weapons you carry on you."

    "That would be wise."

    Fun fact about me: I can slit your throat anywhere, anytime of the day! It's really not an admirable trait, but at least I'm always prepared.

    Suddenly, a white hot pain sliced through me, spreading from my heart into the rest of my body. I gritted my teeth and my fingers clenched the table, my knuckles turning white. Damn it, not again.

    An unpleasant memory flashed in my mind. I could see a dank, concrete room from where I was peering through the bars of a cage. I fought the memory back, forcing it and other flashbacks into the back of my mind.

    "Are you okay?" Captain America asked, sounding concerned.

    Dang it, he had noticed.

    "Fine." I gritted out, the pain subsiding and fading into a dull ache in my heart. I turned to him, trying to act like nothing had happened. "Are you ready?"

    He nodded, still looking a bit suspicious and careful, but didn't press any further. We left the training center and headed towards the mess hall for dinner. Every so often, I could feel him glancing at me, making me a bit nervous. He would probably mention that I suddenly acted strange when he reports to Fury, but then again he may not.

    My anxiety grew as we stepped onto the elevator to find it already filled with several people. Every time the elevator stopped to let someone out, it seemed like three more people had to get on.

    Can't this death trap go any faster? I thought as I subconsciously fiddled with the handle of my dagger, shooting uneasy glances from underneath my hood at the agents and scientists on the elevator with us.

    Finally, Steve Rogers and I got off and went to the mess hall, where they were serving hamburgers, french fries, and fruit salad.

    I wasn't any hungrier than usual, as I was used to only eating a light breakfast and a dinner, so I only got one hamburger and some fries. I didn't bother with condiments and grabbed a water to drink, then followed Steve to a table where Thor was sitting.

    Steve sat in front of Thor and I sat across from him. My mouth nearly dropped open in surprise as I saw the five huge hamburgers and a pile of fries on Thor's tray. I glanced over and saw that Steve had two hamburgers and some of everything else. Then, Hawkeye sat down in front of me, his tray piled as high as Captain America's.

    "Damn, do they have to kill a cow just for the three of you?"

    All three of the Avengers glanced at me, amusement on their faces.

    "This is nothing compared to what I can eat when I'm at my home in Asgard." Thor said, chewing on some fries. "The royal chefs create feasts every night."

    I took a bite of my hamburger and took a moment to chew and swallow before answering.

    "I'm guessing that Asgard isn't on Earth, am I right? Something to do with your accent and the fact you wear a cape and armor."

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