[Chapter 25]

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[A/N]: Sorry this is late! I had a hard time getting this chapter where I wanted it to be in terms of dialogue and writing. I still need to go back and revise and edit. Please, don't forget to comment and vote! The first person who comments on this chapter will get the next chapter dedicated to them and the first ten people to comment will get a follow. Possibly the first fifteen people if I get enough comments. Just a little thank you for reading and taking the time to give feedback. :) Now, let the story continue!



    The next few days were relatively quiet. Fury returned the next morning after he was attacked, a bandage on his face from where the claw of a demon had shot out and sliced him. Other than that, he was indifferent, going about business like usual, giving orders and conducting research on Vermont based on the new information Captain America and I had gathered. Well, mostly me.

    For the past three days, I had been staying as far away from Captain Rogers as I could. I had said as little as I could to him, opting to talk to Stark or Banner instead and sometimes Thor. We still went hunting every night, but little to no communication was passed between us as I opted to nod or grunt when he asked questions. He was slightly frustrated with my lack of response, judging by the glances he kept shooting me out of the corner of his eye and the expression between anger and confusion that would sometimes appear on his face.

    Crowe hadn't bothered me again since the last time I had seen him, but I still had the distinct feeling he was watching me with beady eyes, peeking around every corner and observing my every move. Honestly, I was starting to get nervous. Fury hadn't mentioned anything about my identity lately, but I know he didn't stop searching, even if Steve did talk to him. S.H.I.E.L.D is a high intelligence agency, I'll be damned if they ever actually gave up on me.

    "So then, as we were facing down the fearsome beast five men tall and six in width, we heard a peculiar sound, like a herd of bilgesnipe trampling the ground. The Warriors Three, Sif and I didn't know what to make of it when suddenly the creature dropped dead!" Thor boomed enthusiastically, banging on the cafeteria table for extra emphasis.

    Silverware clattered and glasses tinkled as the whole table shook. "It turns out that it had eaten the mutton Volstagg had dropped previously in the battle that we had gotten from the tribe the day before as a gift for rescuing them. Apparently, the meat had been poisoned in a foolish attempt to kill us out of spite of accidentally destroying their temple." The god laughed heartily, throwing his head back.

    Thor had been telling stories for the past hour and a half now during dinner to a table that consisted of Stark, Banner, Barton, and Captain Rogers. It was a welcome break from the onslaught of questions Tony had been throwing at me earlier, none of which I answered.

    Agent Barton chuckled slightly as he pointed a french fry at Thor before popping it into his mouth.

    "Well, you did send your hammer through it earlier during a strength challenge." he pointed out.

    "Still no reason to poison them." Tony added.

    I sat there, zoning out the conversation as I got lost in my own thoughts. Suddenly, white hot, scorching pain shot through my core, close to my heart. My knuckles whitened as they clutched the side of the plastic chair, my teeth gritting to keep me from crying out. I shut my eyes so hard against the pain that tiny dots danced behind my eyelids, swimming in and out of the darkness.

    No, please, not now. Not here.

    Tony was in the middle of commenting on something that one of the Avengers had said when he happened to glance over at me.

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