[Chapter 19]

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[A/N] As always, vote if you like it, comment if you have an opinion, a praise or critique. I want feedback either way! If you see a mistake in spelling or grammar, please tell me. Also, if you like this book please share it with others! I want to hear what a lot of people think, because feedback is what lets writers know what they need to change or add. A big thank you goes out to everyone who reads Vengeance!


    My stomach flipped as I dove through the crisp, winter air, reveling in the air rippling through my glossy, ebony feathers and whipping the loose strands of my dark hair across my face. I had taken my hood off once I was high enough in the air, dodging through thin, vapory clouds that danced and swirled around the full moon, thinly misting me in freezing water droplets.

    Lazily gliding through the air, I glanced down to see the helicopter below me and a little bit ahead of me, its propellers slicing through the air with ease. I swooped higher, surfacing through a layer of clouds before New York City came into view, a mass of twinkling lights that studded the dark landscape. The faint echoes of cars and people were absent, replaced by an eerie silence. The city that never slept was in hiding in a desperate attempt to protect itself from the creatures that had suddenly invaded, striking quickly and leaving so many dead.

    There were still those few, ignorant people who were naive to think that nothing would happen to them if they wandered the streets at night instead of finding shelter. Those were the people that made my job harder and easier at the same time. Harder because if they died, I knew it was my fault. One more innocent, murdered person to add to my long list of guilt. The benefit of those reckless people was that they could lure some of the demons out and make them easier targets for me.

    A voice crackled through my earpiece as I landed on a rooftop, pressing my wings to my back so they made less noise.

    "I've just landed. You want to meet at the same spot as last time?" Captain America asked.

    "Yeah." Sensing movement to my left, I slowly turned as I pulled out a dagger. A shriek tore through the still air as a blur sped towards me, razor sharp teeth and claws gleaming. With a flick of my wrist, the demon fell, howling, as my dagger embedded into its heart. A second later the monster turned into ash and I bent down to pick up my dagger.

    "One." I said, a slight smirk on my lips.

    There was a crackle over my earpiece and the metallic thud of Captain America's shield making contact with flesh, followed by n inhuman screech.

    "Me too." He reported. There was the scraping of his shield against concrete as he picked it up again. "Why don't we see who can kill the most demons by the time we have to meet at the rendezvous point?"

    "Game on. Just don't be too disappointed when you lose." I said, spreading my wings and jumping from the edge of the building, landing silently on the ground.

    "The same goes for you." He replied as I stalked down the alley, melting into the shadows.

    "We'll see about that." There was a pause in the banter as I threw my dagger, hitting a demon squarely in the chest. I retrieved my blade and continued down the dim, dank alley, casting glances over my shoulder as I sensed the area for movement. "Two. You're falling behind, Captain. Pick up the pace."

    There was a soft chuckle. "Now I'm starting to wonder what I got myself into."

    "That's the spirit."

[Steve Rogers]

    I placed my shield beside me and leaned back in my seat as the helicopter took off. My shoulder slightly ached from throwing my shield so much, but with my super fast healing I expected it to go away in five minutes or so.

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