[Chapter 18]

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[A/N] So, I finally posted! D: Sorry this chapter is so late! School has been kicking my butt lately. I know that lately, all I've been writing is filler chapters, but that is due to change in the next chapter. Get ready for some action! Chapter 19 should be up very soon! This honestly isn't my best chapter and I don't like it very much, but the plot will thicken soon (*wringing of hands and a maniacal laugh* Mwa ha ha! >:) ). As always, if you like this chapter please comment and vote. If you don't like this chapter, comment! I want feedback from you! :D



    "Well, I was thinking if we rewrote this equation here, which will therefore change the suspension of the hydraulics..." Bruce explained, scratching away at a random piece of paper.

    I nodded, agreeing as I quickly glanced over the schematics of the bow and arrows that were spread over the table. "Let's do it."

    We were in the lab, making the final modifications to the weapons Fury assigned us to make. God, I feel like I'm back in high school. I'm even in a group working on a project.

    "I was thinking that if you changed the angle a little bit here, it would make it move smoother." Lucius pointed to the arrow that was sitting on the desk he was working at. Which, admittedly, was a lot neater than mine. I quickly glanced down at my workspace that was strewn with papers, pencils, bags of half-eaten Doritos, a few M&M's scattered here and there, and Diet Coke cans that were randomly scattered across the smooth, gleaming metal surface.

    The Diet Coke cans were Pepper's fault. Apparently she thought that I 'drank too much' and that I should 'cut back on my alcohol consumption before I permanently damaged my liver'. Such a shame, too. I'm proud of the fact that by 50, I'll most likely have liver failure.

    I should probably clean that up. I noted, seeing that the rest of the room was only a fraction as messy as mine. Was I going to? Hell no. I'm not a maid, I'm a genius billionaire! I can pay a maid to do it for me, but seeing as there aren't any maids that I know of on the S.H.I.E.L.D base, I'll have to bribe an agent. On second thought, that probably wouldn't make Fury very happy. That means I'll do it anyways.

    "Tony. Tony? Tony!"

    "Hmm?" Looking up sharply at Bruce's voice, I saw that Lucius and Banner were both staring at me.

    "Didn't you hear me? We just finished." Bruce commented, stacking papers up neatly and putting them in a pile, then sliding them into an official looking folder labeled "30946270 Final Drafts"

    "Sorry, I got a bit sidetracked." I admitted, finding a random M&M and popping it into my mouth. "What color was that, blue? Orange, maybe. Green?" I commented as I chewed. I had a habit of attempting to guess the color of M&M I ate after I ate it. The only reason I do it is because It annoys Pepper. And I digress. Again.

    Bruce rolled his eyes. "Well, we have a few hours left before the mission." He leant back in his chair and took off his glasses, subconsciously cleaning them with a handkerchief.

    "I have about a half of an hour before I leave, so it would be best if I get going. Gentlemen." Lucius stood and shook each of our hands. "It was a pleasure to work with you. I hope that we can collaborate on other projects some day."

    "It was nice to work with you too, big guy." I slapped him on the back. "Let me know if you ever want to take me up on that offer of me letting you pop into my labs sometime. You would love it."

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