[Chapter 6]

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    After what seemed like hours, but in reality was only about 50 minutes, we reached the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. I must say, they kept it pretty well hidden. The vast spread of buildings was located a couple of hours outside of New York City and was highly protected with tall, barbed-wire rimmed stone walls. Guards manned the outside and inside of the wall 24/7, some from watchtowers.

    The helicopter gently dropped down on a large landing pad that by the looks of it, held more than a few measly helicopters. I'm talking they could initiate a full out aerial strike.

    The door was opened by a few guards wearing black suits and earpieces. They nodded at the Avengers with respect as we climbed out. None of them questioned me as they led us inside. One of the men took my bag, and I was grateful that I had carried everything important on me in case they looked through my stuff. Which I didn't doubt they would do.

    We were led down a series of twisting hallways, each with long rows of doors. As we walked, I memorized the directions I would have to turn if I needed to get away. Left, left, right, hallway down the center, staircase on the right.

    We went around a corner and the guards stopped at an elevator. Two guards, three superheroes and me. Crap.

    One of the guards pressed his hand against a pad on the side of the wall, and it registered his hand print before blinking. We all got on, and I immediately felt constricted. But I wouldn't show them any weakness. I kept still as the elevator rose, my face set in stony determination. If I can just hold off the memories...

    Finally, the doors slid open and I calmly stepped off. We were in a tall glass tower in the center of the whole S.H.I.E.L.D compound, giving me a good view of the buildings. The room looked like a type of control room, full of blinking computers and workers in black uniforms rushing about.

    When we were all off of the lift, everyone glanced up for a second and stopped what they were doing. Most went straight back to work after that, but some eyed me cautiously, taking in my mysterious aura and the deadly daggers hanging from my waist.

    "You must be the Phantom." A tall man strode to stand in front of me, emanating an air of power and importance. A white scar cut across his dark skinned face, over the eye that was covered by a black eye patch. A dark trench coat hung off of his broad shoulders, complete with a gun in a belt on his waist. I immediately knew who this man was. Director Fury.

    "Who else would I be?" I asked. I let my fiery attitude out a bit as I replied. I needed to show this man that he wasn't going to intimidate me.

    His one good eye swept over my body as he evaluated me. He gave a curt nod at the two guards and immediately they left the room, probably returning to their other duties.

    "Follow me." Was all he said before he swept out of the room. The three Avengers stuck close to me while we strode down the hallways, as if expecting me to do something unpredictable.

    We followed Fury into a well lit room with wide oak doors, which he closed. In the center of the room was a long, wooden conference table, with a large screen mounted on one of the walls.

    An array of people looked up as we walked in, all of them in different places in the room. Clint Barton sat next to a woman at the table wearing a black jumpsuit and who had red hair, making her look fierce. A man wearing a button-up shirt and rectangular glasses sat at the far end of the table, playing with an ink pen. A tall man with shoulder length blond hair, slight beard, intricate armor and a red cape stood gazing out the window. A large hammer hung off of his belt.

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