[Chapter 34]

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[A/N:] I know since it's past midnight my time it's technically Friday, but I still got this chapter up! :) Thanks for your comments and votes, like always! I will try to update by sometime on Saturday. After that I'll be gone for about a week for a trip and I won't have time to write, but when I get back hopefully Vengeance will be finished by early July! :) We're getting close to the end, and the drama and action will pick back up, I swear!



    "Tony, I don't know about this." I said nervously, cleaning my eyeglasses with the tail of my navy, button down shirt.

    "All we need is a drop of Quinn's blood. A single drop, Bruce." the billionaire said.

    Sighing in exasperation, I replied, "Yes, I know all we need is a single drop. The problem is getting it from her. You saw what she did to Crowe. She's dangerous."

    Tony twirled in his office chair, a coffee cup in hand. "Okay, so I admit that my initial plan of sneaking into her room in the middle of the night and carefully getting a vial of blood from her won't work. We need it, though, so when we create the serum to inject into her we can test it with her blood to make sure nothing goes wrong. It could fix her soul but have a detrimental effect on her body."

    I groaned internally. Stark had figured out how we would save the Phantom, but he was leaving out an essential part: how we would get the resources from her. Sure, we could have asked her nicely if she would help us harness the energy she materialized from her soul and give us some blood, but I had a feeling that wouldn't go over well. 

    Quinn had been experimented on by her father, and she was likely very opposed to being tested on again. She refused to go to the medical wing at S.H.I.E.L.D; there was no way she would let us poke or prod her. If the Phantom even knew that Tony had scans of her, I was sure that hell would break loose.

    "Okay, first things first." I said as I slid my glasses into the front pocket of my shirt. "How are we going to contain some of the energy from her soul to first make the serum?"

    "Aura, Bruce, we're calling it aura." he corrected me, stuffing a few potato chips in his mouth from a bag on his desk and chewing.

    My nose wrinkled at the strange combination of coffee and potato chips at seven in the morning, but I didn't comment on it. He chewed slowly, the sound of the chips crunching filling the room.

    I gave him a stressed look, waving my hand impatiently for him to continue. "How are we going to contain the aura, Tony?"

    "I have a plan to contain it. There's a reason I was up all night. And as to get the aura, I'll have to talk to her. There's no way to get around that one." Tony said candidly, sighing. "Don't worry, Big Guy, I'll do that."

    Nodding, I sank into a chair, rolling it over to the projections of Quinn's scan, pulling up a holographic layer that displayed heat radiation in her body.

    "She was right about the fact that the soul's somehow connected to the heart." I said, pointing to the image where her heart was, which was giving off more heat than normal for a human. "Somehow by breaking her soul, it unlocked it."

    Tony stood and walked to where I was, pausing as he studied the image floating in the air.

    "I have JARVIS watching her for when her soul breaks a bit more again. I want to get an additional scan from that moment when the energy signature spikes. It could be the key to perfecting the serum."

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