[Chapter 35]

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[A/N:] This is a filler chapter, sorry guys! :/ My summer has gotten less busy so I hope to finish Vengeance in, say...two or three weeks! The pace of the story will pick up soon, I promise! I hope to update either tomorrow or Saturday since Friday is the Fourth of July. Thanks for all of your votes and comments, I hope I don't disappoint! :)



    Stark led me to the bowels of the Stark Tower where his labs and workshops were located. I tried to ignore the constant, relentless fear of being trapped buzzing in the back of my mind as I rode the elevator down to a series of concrete corridors. 

    "And here we are!" Tony announced proudly as we strolled down the bright, fluorescent lit hallway to the entrance to the labs. He punched in a code and the doors dinged, the glass sliding open and allowing us to access the room.

    As my eyes flitted over the numerous tables and desks of the lab, I picked out which territories were Stark's and which were Banner's. The billionaire's areas were trashed, littered with bags of half eaten chips, Poptart crumbs, pizza boxes, and Coke cans. The doctor's regions were orderly and neat with stacks of notes in their place and pencils lined up across the chrome surfaces.

    Banner sat at a desk, scribbling some notes down on a pad of paper as he examined some data on a holographic screen. He glanced up when he saw us and abruptly stood, waving a hand and closing the image that he was studying.

    "I'm glad Tony convinced you to come." Bruce smiled at me, taking his glasses off and cleaning them on the edge of his dark purple, button down shirt. "Hopefully he didn't blackmail you, though I wouldn't put it behind him." the doctor joked.

    Either he's always jumpy, or he's hiding something. I thought, surreptitiously studying him.

    I shrugged, hoping the motion came off as casual and not as stiff as it felt. 

    "I'm glad to help. Won't be here for much longer, anyways, so I decided to hell with it."

    Turning away from Banner as his eyes lit up with a spark of pity, I glanced at Stark.

    "So, what do you need me to do?" I asked.

    He motioned me towards a desk and picked up a small, metal cube made of vibranium. The components inside of it somewhat resembled the arc reactor in his chest. Its complicated innerworkings were visible through a square opening with wires poking out of it, a single, very thick one in the center.

    "Alright, Fluttershy. All I need you to do is hold onto the vibranium, twisted wire in the center and channel a tiny bit of your aura into this cube here. If my calculations are correct, I should be able to contain and use the energy limitlessly.

    He looked up at the stony expression on my face.

    "And, of course, I will destroy the device or hide it where no one will ever find it. Otherwise known as the Pacific Ocean."

    Nodding, I held my hand out, palm up. Silver light licked and danced across my skin, the familiar warmth tingling across my fingers. Reaching out, I touched the thick, coiled, vibranium wire running from the device, feeling my skin blister under the metal and I jerked my hand back quickly.

    "That enough?" I asked, watching the cube spark to life with silver energy. Stark looked gleeful, nodding as he watched me wipe my fingertips onto my jeans, tiny droplets of blood clinging to them from the burns.

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