[Chapter 28]

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[A/N]: I changed the last chapter a little bit right after Thor arrives, so I suggest reading it really quick.

Wattpad science: The time it takes to update a story is directly proportionate to the amount of comments and votes it receives. 

Sorry for not updating as quickly as I had hoped! Christmas turned out to be busier than I had thought it would be with midterms and family and honestly I need to sit down and make myself write because I've been slacking. New goal: one chapter a week. :)


    The hard, plastic chair barely supported my weak frame upright as I sat at the briefing room table, fingers clutching the edge of the mahogany table so tightly my knuckles were white. The Avengers all sat around the table, their eyes burning holes into me as Fury slowly paced the room, boots thudding loudly and echoing against the tile floor.

    My eyes were focused on memorizing the grain of the wooden table when I heard him stop beside my seat, catching the fluttering of his black coat out of the corner of my eye.

    "You're Talia Vermont., daughter of Corvus Vermont." Fury stated coldly.

    I brazenly raised my head to meet his eyes. "Yes."

    "You're supposed to be dead. How the hell are you alive?" he shot at me, slamming his hands on the table.

    A bitter laugh escaped my throat. "I have no clue."

    "You were at the diner." Clint interrupted, sharp eyes scanning my face for any trace of emotion. "You were our waitress."

    Tony and Steve looked slightly shocked as they looked at me, their foreheads crinkling in thought as they tried to remember that night.

    "You're make it snappy girl!" Tony exclaimed, sitting up in his chair.

    Took you long enough. I thought. And you call yourself a genius?

    "You've seen her before and didn't recognize her until now? Three of the best heroes on the planet didn't remember the person sitting right in front of them the whole time?" Fury gaped incredulously at the three.

    "It was bothering me since I met her, I just couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen her before." Clint said, looking at the other two.

    "I honestly didn't know." Steve admitted. "I was a bit preoccupied with the demons and wasn't paying attention."

    Tony laughed, looking at me. "You said the Phantom saved you from a demon when you took out the trash. It didn't even cross my mind that you could've been the Phantom." He smirked at me. "You're good."

    "Enough chatting." Director Fury snapped. Fury stalked to the computer and typed something in. A holographic screen appeared at the end of the table, the illumination reflecting off of the shiny, dark surface of the table. Information, along with a picture of the Vermont family, popped up.

    My stomach churned at the picture, at my father's smiling face and beady, black eyes.

    "Talia Alexandra Vermont. Born on February seventeenth to Camilia Alexa Combe and Corvus Pyre Vermont. Eighteen years of age, was privately tutored her whole life along with her sister Sophia Elizabeth Vermont, who was eleven years younger."

    His gaze bored into me as victory glinted in his dark eye. "Let's see what else we have." Sliding his hand over the screen, a new picture emerged of a handsome boy with white blond hair, pale skin, high, chiseled cheekbones, and icy blue eyes. "Silas Graye. Oh, it looks like you had a little boyfriend, didn't you?"

    My jaw clenched tightly in anger.

    "You know nothing." I spat. "All of this information in your little file, and you still don't have a damn idea what the truth is."

    "Then tell us something." Fury hissed through gritted teeth. "Why did you deliberately hide a dangerous power from us that by the looks of it, you can't even control?"

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